English, asked by dograbrothers3902, 1 year ago

I have to delivered a speech on "house and home ".


Answered by harman1871


A house and a home - Two words with very different meanings. Most of the time, their meaning is regarded the same. If you have a house, you have a home, that’s what people think. But this is a false statement. A house is nothing but a material thing, something that can protect us from the scorching sun or a terrible storm. People believe that the bigger their house is, the wealthier they are and happier the home is.

A home is totally different. A home is where your true happiness lies. Home is where you are loved, where you are comfortable, and where your spirit rests and re-energizes. You can buy a big, fancy house with money, but not a happy home. That is the reason why celebrities file divorces, move out and all that nonsense. From the outside, their houses might seem grand, but what about the inside?

Well, if you have a house  it doesn’t guarantee that you have a home.

if you are happy with your family, although you don’t have a house, I think its worthy to be called a happy home.

So, in conclusion, I say that there is a wide gap of difference between a house and a home. Saying that a house and a home are similar is just like saying that the North Pole is similar to the South Pole. Pointless and totally wrong. So, it’s fine if your house is not big, or regal or fancy. As long as you are happy, you're in a home. 

*In simple language house is a building where people live only. But home is the place where people have there SWEET MEMORIES, EMOTINAL ASSOCIATIONS, LOVE and Where they GREW UP*.

plz mark as brainliest..

Answered by Princekd


House and Home: A home is a where you live with your family. In home we feel something that belongs to us. We feel very comfortable in our home A house is a building whose main purpose is to occupied for habitation by human beings. A house is a bigger than that of home and it may not be a home. A home is always special for you. There is nothing in the world as sweet as a home. We always love our parents and they also love us . Everyone in the home is cheerful, enjoyable. Everyone care for each other and do their best to make a home a happy and sweet home.

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