English, asked by oliviacowley, 27 days ago

I have to write a persuasive essay on why war shouldn't happen, I'm unsure of how to word the essay. I have started the essay however I need help with continuing it onward.

Why should there be no wars?

In present-day and age, we have experienced a war of many kinds, in many different places around the world. All countries involved have had losses and gains, but why should there be wars in the first place? In this essay, I will be providing evidence on the question ‘why there be no wars’ on either end of the argument. And creating a conclusion based on the knowledge I gain from it.

My first reason for the argument is because of the impact war has on those fighting in it. Not only is there a high risk of death, injury, sexual violence, malnutrition, illness, and disability there are many emotional consequences of war, like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and anxiety. In WW2 an estimated seventy-five million people died, 20 million people being military personal; not only did twenty million dies but millions were terribly injured. Why would governments go into war if this was the consequence?


Answered by kanishkagupta1234


the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

Answered by Anonymous


The effects of war are widely spread and can be long term or short term.[2] Soldiers experience war differently than civilians, although either suffer in times of war, and women and children[citation needed] suffer unspeakable atrocities in particular. In the past decade, up to two million of those killed in armed conflicts were children.[2] The widespread trauma caused by these atrocities and suffering of the civilian population is another legacy of these conflicts, the following creates extensive emotional and psychological stress.[3] Present-day internal wars generally take a larger toll on civilians than state wars. This is due to the increasing trend where combatants have made targeting civilians a strategic objective.[2] A state conflict is an armed conflict that occurs with the use of armed force between two parties, of which one is the government of a state.[4] "The three problems posed by intra‐state conflict are the willingness of UN members, particularly the strongest member, to intervene; the structural ability of the UN to respond; and whether the traditional principles of peacekeeping should be applied to intra‐state conflict".[5] Effects of war also include mass destruction of cities and have long lasting effects on a country's economy.[6] Armed conflict has important indirect negative consequences on infrastructure, public health provision, and social order.[7] These indirect consequences are often overlooked and unappreciated.

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