English, asked by venkateshchaudhari52, 1 month ago

I have workout clothes and sweat bands / Even
a 'get - fit Coffee cup! (Name and explain the
figure of speech)​


Answered by vijaythemaster


Figure of Speech

A figure of speech is an expression whose words are not used in their literal sense. A figure of speech is often used to portray an idea more clearly or more interestingly.

The most common types of figures of speech are metaphors, similes, idioms, personification, hyperbole, and euphemisms.

A Broader Definition of Figure of Speech

Some sources do not differentiate between "a figure of speech" and figurative language. As the term "figurative language" includes techniques that might employ the literal meanings of words (e.g., alliteration, assonance, consonance, logosglyphs, onomatopoeia), an alternative definition for "figure of speech," under this broader definition, is "the use of words in an unusual or imaginative manner."

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