I hear the sound of your guitar
Comin' from the mystic far
Stone and the gravel in your voice
Come in my dreams and I rejoice
It's your ghost moving through the night
Your spirit filled with light
I need, need you by my side
Your love and I'm alive
I can feel the blood shiver in my bones
I'm alive and I'm out here on my own
I'm alive and I'm comin' home
Old buckskin jacket you always wore
Hangs on the back of my bedroom door
Boots and the spurs you used to ride
Click down the hall but never arrive
It's just your ghost moving through the night
Your spirit filled with light
I need, need you by my side
Your love and I'm alive
I am a ghost
but good one
just pray for me please
Answered by
Life is the gift of God
Answered by
snigdha ji answer on my questions
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