I know the formula I just don't know how derive it using dimetional analysis.

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Let the formula be [ MᵃVᵇ ] since kinetic energy depends on mass and velocity.
Kinetic energy is a form of energy and it can be written as [ ML²T⁻²] which is the dimensions of energy.
So we can equate both :
[ MᵃVᵇ ] = [ ML²T⁻²]
= > [MᵃLᵇT⁻ᵇ] = [ML²T⁻²]
We get a = 1 , b = 2
Hence K∝ mv²
⇒ K = cmv² where c is a constant.
Experimentally c=1/2 and hence ,
⇒ K = 1/2 mv²
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