Sociology, asked by ashmi8006, 9 months ago

I'm from Kerala I need to know Hindu malayalam ezhuvar under which category


Answered by mvs26

found in the rest of India. While the Indian caste system generally modelled the four-fold division of society into Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras, in Kerala the Nambudiri Brahmins formed the priestly class and only rarely recognised anyone else as being other than Shudra or untouchables outside the caste system entirely. Thus, the Kerala caste system was ritualised but it was not the varna model found elsewhere. Even inside Kerala, North Kerala castes are different from South Kerala. Until the recent past, they did not follow marriage alliances, citing the differences.

Kerala's caste system was closer to feudalism than to the "Varna" system. Nambuthiris and their spill-out clans (Ambalavasis and Samamntha Nairs) held the vast majority of the lands, sometimes even exceeding the kings.

Also, Kerala had one of the highest migration of

Answered by nirvik28

hindu and muslims are two main categories in which there are many religions under that

but why do u need to know categories....we all are Indian and thats the best part

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