'Money does not mean everything in life'. Discuss with your partner and
justify the statement by giving examples. Take help of the following points.
(a) Money cannot give you eternal happiness.
(b) Art, music and literature can give you unending happiness.
(c) Money is short-lived.
(d) Money cannot purchase happiness and contentment.
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Money cannot purchase happiness and contentment
With money, one can buy the most expensive things, but one cannot put a price on happiness. The feeling of joy and contentment comes from within. It cannot be purchased or sold. One can buy stuff that makes one happy, but that happiness will eventually wear off.
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Answer: - Money does not mean everything in life as it cannot buy you happiness, love of your parents and true friendship.
Detailed answer: -
- Money cannot buy or give you happiness for a lifetime or eternal happiness. You can be happy for some time with the help of money, i.e., by shopping, by buying the things you wish for, or you need, by having a tour, etc. but not for much longer time or forever.
- Instead of money, participating or spending time on art, music and literature can provide you happiness that will last always as they will be present in your mind and the feeling, and the time spent will become your sweet memories that will make you happy whenever you think of it.
- Money has a short life. Money can come and go anytime in your life. It does not stay with you forever till the end of your life. Instead, your parents, your friends and your sweet memories are the one who will always stay by your side, and they are long lasting till you are there. So, you should make true friends and sweet memories by spending time with your parents and friends and doing what makes you happy.
- Money can buy you everything but not happiness or satisfaction. People never can satisfy themselves with money by buying everything they want as humans can never be satisfied and money can give you a short-term happiness by buying the things you wish for. But instead of that if you spend your time doing what you like and spend time with loving and true friends, you will be most happy and will also be satisfied to have someone by your side always.
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