I need 50 thoughts in Hindi and English
1. hate the sin , love the sinner
2. the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of other .
3. the weak can never forgive . forgiveness is the attitude of the strong .
4. nonviolence is a weapon of the strong.
5. the future depend on what you do today.
6. be a here always say , i have no fear.
7. strength is life and weakness is death.
8. you cant believe in god until you believe in yourself.
9. arise , awake and not stop until the goal is reached.
10. peace come from within . do not seek it without.
11. three things can not hide for long : the sun,the moon and the truth.
12. if you light a lamp for somebody , it will also bright your path.
13. there is no path to happiness. happiness is the path .
14. it is very easy to defect someone , but it is very hard to win someone.
15. success is when your signature change to autograph
16. dont read success stories you will only get a message, read failure stories you will get some ideas to get success.
17. a goal is dream with dead line.
18. life is like riding on a bicycle to keep your balance you must keep moving.
19. try not to become a man of success , but a man of value .
20. you will never fail until you stop trying.
21. the important thing is to never stop questioning.
22. A man is great by deeds, not by birth.
23. It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.
24. A truly rich man is one whose children run into his arms when his hands are empty
25. Do Not Allow Yourself To Wake Up with yesterday’s issues troubling your Mind.Refuse To Live Backwards.See Everyday As A New Chapter.
26. dont make excuse,make improvement
27. "I hear what I need to hear when I take a moment to listen to silence within me."
28 Success in life is a function of your willingness to accept change
29. manner, disposition, feeling, position, etc., with regard to a person or thing; tendency or orientation, especially of themind:a negative attitude; group attitudes.
30. Ballet. a pose in which the dancer stands on one leg, the other bent behind.
-स्वामी विवेकानन्द
1 उठो, जागो और तब तक रुको नही जब तक मंजिल प्राप्त न हो जाये ।
2 जो सत्य है, उसे साहसपूर्वक निर्भीक होकर लोगों से कहो–उससे किसी को कष्ट होता है या नहीं, इस ओर ध्यान मत दो। दुर्बलता को कभी प्रश्रय मत दो। सत्य की ज्योति ‘बुद्धिमान’ मनुष्यों के लिए यदि अत्यधिक मात्रा में प्रखर प्रतीत होती है, और उन्हें बहा ले जाती है, तो ले जाने दो–वे जितना शीघ्र बह जाएँ उतना अच्छा ही है।
3 तुम अपनी अंत:स्थ आत्मा को छोड़ किसी और के सामने सिर मत झुकाओ। जब तक तुम यह अनुभव नहीं करते कि तुम स्वयं देवों के देव हो, तब तक तुम मुक्त नहीं हो सकते।
4 ईश्वर ही ईश्वर की उपलब्थि कर सकता है। सभी जीवंत ईश्वर हैं–इस भाव से सब को देखो। मनुष्य का अध्ययन करो, मनुष्य ही जीवन्त
काव्य है। जगत में जितने ईसा या बुद्ध हुए हैं,
सभी हमारी ज्योति से ज्योतिष्मान हैं।
इस ज्योति को छोड़ देने पर ये सब हमारे लिए और अधिक जीवित नहीं रह
सकेंगे, मर जाएंगे। तुम अपनी आत्मा के ऊपर स्थिर रहो।
5 ज्ञान स्वयमेव वर्तमान है, मनुष्य केवल उसका
आविष्कार करता है।
6 मानव-देह ही सर्वश्रेष्ठ देह है, एवं मनुष्य ही सर्वोच्च प्राणी है, क्योंकि इस मानव-देह तथा इस जन्म में ही हम इस सापेक्षिक जगत् से संपूर्णतया बाहर हो सकते हैं–निश्चय ही मुक्ति की अवस्था प्राप्त कर सकते हैं, और यह मुक्ति ही हमारा चरम लक्ष्य है।
. Arise, Awake and stop not until the goal is reached.
2. Talk to yourself once in a day, otherwise you may miss meeting an excellent
person in this world.
3. In a conflict between the heart and the brain, follow your heart.
4. All the power is within you, you can do anything and everything. belive in
that; don't belive that you are week, stand up and express the divinity within
5.Three Golden Rules...
Who is helping you, don't forget them. Who is loving you, don't hate them. Who
is trusting you, don't cheat them.
6. You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself.
7. We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think.
Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel for.
8. Take risks in your life, if you win, you can lead. If you loose, you can
9. Be a hero, always say, I have no fear!
10. Strength is life weakness is death.