English, asked by nischaykhar, 10 months ago

i need a paragraph on life without electricity with upto 150-200 words


Answered by patilishwar474


Life Without Electricity: We cannot imagine our lives without electricity. All our functions and comforts are entirely dependent on electricity. To think of a life without electricity is almost impossible Today. We find ourselves completely helpless in a situation where there is no electricity. The Importance of this necessity of having electricity is generally felt in its absence.

Why electricity is important in our daily life?

In case of no electricity, it would just give the feel of earlier times when people were leading their lives without electricity. Without electricity, life would be very different from what it is now. Firstly, it will affect our normal household chores and functioning. It will be dark at night so we will have to use earthen lamps, lantern or candle-light instead of electric bulbs and tubes as it is now.

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Without electricity, it would have been difficult to keep our house cool in hot summers by fans, coolers, air-conditioners, and warm in cold winters by room heaters. The use of refrigerators, electric irons, toasters, televisions, etc. would not have been there. Kitchen appliances such as microwaves, grinders, and mixtures would not have found a place in the kitchen as they do today. In other words, cooking would have been quite difficult.

Without electricity, there would have been very few sources of entertainment. Television, home theaters, cinemas, etc., would have been rendered useless. Similarly, there would have been very few sources of telecommunications Cell phones, fax, emails would not have existed at all.

Science and technology have made advancements simply because of electricity Had there been no electricity, the technology would not have been able to take a single step Civilization would not have been so much developed without the invention of electricity.

There would not have been so many inventions be a field of health and treatment of diseases. The medical field would not have been so rich in case there was no electricity. We would not have the facilities of x-ray, heart-surgery an electric treatment and other benefits.

Our transportation system is also based on to a great extent. In case of electricity, we would not have enjoyed the fast journey by electric trains. Traveling by airplanes would have been just a dream. Streets would have been dark and gloomy without street lights.

Our industries are in existence only due to electricity. It was one of the prime reasons that led to industrialization. Mills, factories would have been manufacturing limited things for our use if there was no electricity. There would not have been as much variety of things as we have today. Machine-made clothes would not have been seen in shops. The markets of fashion would have been without any hustle and bustle in absence of fascinating items.

It is needless to say that today we are so dependent on electricity that we cannot live without electricity. Right from the time, we get up and till the time we sleep and even after that, we are using electricity nonstop. Our life comes to halt in case of power failure.

Everything in this world is functioning through electricity. Without electricity, the airplanes, trains, mills, factories, etc. comes to halt.

In our country, we still find few villages where electricity has not reached yet, but people there are still living their lives comfortably. They have found out their own way. However, places, where people are used to electricity, cannot be imagined without it.

Answered by tanothelol

Answer: i think this is 200 words oof


The comforts of modern living cannot be thought of without electricity. Since it’s invention by Benjamin Franklin electricity has been put to use in several ways and today we have practically becomes a slave to this invisible power. We lit our homes with electric lamps, work under electric fans, live in air conditioned houses, travel in electric cars, and electric trains, use electric washing machines and enjoy T.V and films, all worked by electric power. Thus in almost every field of modern living we depend on electricity.

The development of industry in modern age is entirely a miracle of electricity. In every factory it is the electric current that turns the wheel. The country who can produce sufficient electricity for industrial and domestic use can manage to progress speedily. The total industrial produce and commercial turnover of a country depends on the quantity of electric power available it industry and transport. Electricity has not only revolutionized our industry and commerce, it has also brought for us great facilities in the field of education and health. Treatment by X-rays and electropathy would have impossible without the help of electricity. Diagnosis and surgeries in many complicated health problems are done only with the help of electric power and for almost all chemical preparations and medicines electricity is must. Even in the field of education we find electricity very useful. Education via internet, television and tape-records has been possible only with the help of electricity.

In brief electricity is a servant that serves us for 24 hours, both in the home as well as outside the home. But, it is a good servant only till the time you keep it under your thumb. As soon as your grip becomes lose it, becomes a cruel master. Thousands of people in every country die every year simply because of electric shocks. As soon as this giant is out of control it becomes extremely dangerous. Therefore, with all its blessings, its risks should also be put in mind.

   On the whole electricity Is very useful and important power. It has become a part of parcel of modern living. Its advantages are so numerous that people forget its dangers and very often become a prey to it. But it is not the fault of electricity; it is the fault of its users.

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