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With the emergence of social media, project management is not the sole responsibility of the project manager anymore. It has become a collaborative effort that allows each person involved in the project to contribute in an equal manner. Contemporary projects are highly impacted by the features of social media.
Outlined below are the important aspects of social project management.
Table of Contents
Change in Project Management
Emergence of Social Project Management
Advantages of Social Project Management
Global Communication:
Collective Intelligence:
Building New Customer Intelligence:
Utilize Skills of People Outside Team:
Accomplish Goals Faster:
Team Empowerment:
Partners with Agile:
Change in Project Management
Traditionally, the project manager used to be the key link between all members of a project. He was the sole decision maker of all project related activities, and also the only source through whom any kind of progress or updates would be communicated within the team. Hence, the chances of success or failure of a project depended highly on the manner in which a project manager handled all these tasks. Therefore, the project manager first had to gather all information from each and every team member and then communicate to everyone through meetings or mailers. The whole process sometimes ended up being a burden on him or her. This is one of the main reasons why the shift towards social project management occurre