i need a spech on save water save life
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A very good morning to the excellencies, respected teachers and my dear friends. I am here to speech over save water topic today on this great occasion. I would like to say thanks to my class teacher to give such a great opportunity at this day to speech over an important topic. Water conservation is the technique to save clean and pure water for the future use by following various effective measures. Managing fresh water as a sustainable resource requires various strategies and activities in order to protect life by meeting all the water demands. Reducing the level of fresh drinking water is very serious issue for this huge worldwide population and increasing need of people for water especially in the manufacturing and agricultural irrigation. Water conservation is necessary to fulfills the goal of future generations. It reduces the use of energy because water management require around 15% of the total electricity consumption. It also involve in the habitat conservation for the local wildlife and migrating waterfowl. It reduces need of building other dams or water diversion infrastructures.
In order to conserve fresh drinking water we need to reduce water loss, avoid damaging natural water quality and improve water management practices. There are many water conservation programs run by the government in order to solve the social problems related to water at the local level (municipal water utilities or regional governments). Some common strategies are like public outreach campaigns, reduce outdoor water use, etc.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, it is estimated that if water metering is done to everyone it will reduce water consumption by 20 to 40 %. Water metering is also necessary to raise awareness among public that metering will surely identify and localize the water leakage anywhere. This is the effective using which water department can easily monitor water usage by every family in the society. There should be less water consumed by the people in various water consuming appliances in the home like toilet flush, showers, sprinklers, fountains, washing machine, dish washers, etc.
There should be water-saving technology in the home appliances like low-flow shower heads (also called energy-efficient shower heads), low-flush toilets, composting toilets, dual flush toilets (uses almost 67% less water than the conventional toilets), faucet aerators, raw water flushing (toilets using sea water or non-purified water), water reuse or recycling of water, rainwater harvesting, clothe washers with high-efficiency, weather-based irrigation controllers, garden hose nozzles, low flow taps everywhere, covered swimming pool to reduce water evaporation, automatic faucet, water less urinals, water less car washing, etc reduces water consumption to a great extent and can save more water if used on daily basis in all houses. Agricultural appliances used by the farmers should also be of water-saving technology to reduce water consumption while irrigating crops.
Thank You
In order to conserve fresh drinking water we need to reduce water loss, avoid damaging natural water quality and improve water management practices. There are many water conservation programs run by the government in order to solve the social problems related to water at the local level (municipal water utilities or regional governments). Some common strategies are like public outreach campaigns, reduce outdoor water use, etc.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, it is estimated that if water metering is done to everyone it will reduce water consumption by 20 to 40 %. Water metering is also necessary to raise awareness among public that metering will surely identify and localize the water leakage anywhere. This is the effective using which water department can easily monitor water usage by every family in the society. There should be less water consumed by the people in various water consuming appliances in the home like toilet flush, showers, sprinklers, fountains, washing machine, dish washers, etc.
There should be water-saving technology in the home appliances like low-flow shower heads (also called energy-efficient shower heads), low-flush toilets, composting toilets, dual flush toilets (uses almost 67% less water than the conventional toilets), faucet aerators, raw water flushing (toilets using sea water or non-purified water), water reuse or recycling of water, rainwater harvesting, clothe washers with high-efficiency, weather-based irrigation controllers, garden hose nozzles, low flow taps everywhere, covered swimming pool to reduce water evaporation, automatic faucet, water less urinals, water less car washing, etc reduces water consumption to a great extent and can save more water if used on daily basis in all houses. Agricultural appliances used by the farmers should also be of water-saving technology to reduce water consumption while irrigating crops.
Thank You
Hope it helps you
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Good morning my dear friends, respected teachers & principal sir. I Ayush Kumar of class 10 want to put a big topic in front of you which is really very important. so dear friends, the topic is about SAVE WATER SAVE LIVE.
Water is the most precious gift of nature. It has no taste, no smell and no colour. It is found everywhere and the other name of it is life. We find it in tanks, ponds, wells, rivers and springs. Almost three-fourth of the earth is water. We should conserve and save water so as to protect the water environment.
Benefits of Water
Without water nothing can live. Both animals and plants need water to live. It is the source of all life on earth.
We drink water, cook in water, bathe in water and wash in water. We use water to clean our clothes, utensils, floors, etc. The farmers need water for growing crops and plants. It is also used in generating hydro-electricity.
Why we should Save Water?
We should save water on account of following reasons:
To ensure adequate supply of water for our future generation.
Though a large quantity of water can be recycled, but it consumes large amount of power, energy and money.
Clean water in lakes, oceans, rivers ensures healthy life of water animals.
Millions of people around the world are still deprived of clean and safe drinking water.
How to Save Water?
Stop the misuse of water.
Manage the usage of water properly.
Stop discharging pollutants without proper treatment.
Take efforts in maintaining the quality of water.
Stop wastage of water in our toilet.
Promote rain-water harvesting and irrigation projects.
Dear friends I hope that you all understand my view on such a precious topic & I really hope that you would definitely inspired by me .
Thank you.
Good morning my dear friends, respected teachers & principal sir. I Ayush Kumar of class 10 want to put a big topic in front of you which is really very important. so dear friends, the topic is about SAVE WATER SAVE LIVE.
Water is the most precious gift of nature. It has no taste, no smell and no colour. It is found everywhere and the other name of it is life. We find it in tanks, ponds, wells, rivers and springs. Almost three-fourth of the earth is water. We should conserve and save water so as to protect the water environment.
Benefits of Water
Without water nothing can live. Both animals and plants need water to live. It is the source of all life on earth.
We drink water, cook in water, bathe in water and wash in water. We use water to clean our clothes, utensils, floors, etc. The farmers need water for growing crops and plants. It is also used in generating hydro-electricity.
Why we should Save Water?
We should save water on account of following reasons:
To ensure adequate supply of water for our future generation.
Though a large quantity of water can be recycled, but it consumes large amount of power, energy and money.
Clean water in lakes, oceans, rivers ensures healthy life of water animals.
Millions of people around the world are still deprived of clean and safe drinking water.
How to Save Water?
Stop the misuse of water.
Manage the usage of water properly.
Stop discharging pollutants without proper treatment.
Take efforts in maintaining the quality of water.
Stop wastage of water in our toilet.
Promote rain-water harvesting and irrigation projects.
Dear friends I hope that you all understand my view on such a precious topic & I really hope that you would definitely inspired by me .
Thank you.
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