English, asked by hnpatel21984, 1 year ago

I need an easy on life is 21 st century


Answered by asrasayed7

It is all the transcendence of human race that people today reach the height of maximum luxury upgrading from the days of their very ancient Stone and Cave age. What human being has achieved today was once only a dream out of reach. But man’s curiosity—perhaps the most wonderful gift given to man by God was behind his quest leading to wholehearted efforts to convert all impossible dreams of yesteryears into reality.

Today in the 21st century, men have reasons enough to be proud for their unique achievements. From stepping into the moon of cloning genes, there has been a long list of tremendous success of science and technology. But restless people’s mind has still enough desire for even greater achievements. And there is every reason to believe that in the coming days many of such dreams would be possible for us.

Today at the starting days of the 21st century, Technology is the most pronouncing name all over the world. We are at the age of computer. Application of computer is becoming a common name in all aspects of life.

Computer now no longer remains only a laboratory kit. Its application ventures into industrial setups, health care facilities, educational institutions, banking systems, ticket booking counters, carrying out business proceedings, governmental jobs in fact in all aspects. Greater accuracy, more memory capacity and time saving ability of computer make people more and more interested towards its application.

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