English, asked by jatinbansal729, 1 year ago



Answered by depanshu
The best topic these days is Terrorism. You can give a great speech.

Terrorism is a system of frightening people, to make them do what the terrorists want. Senator Denton has called it ‘’the most widely practiced form of modern warfare”. These activities of terrorism are both fashionable and criminal actions. The motives behind terrorism may be personal or political. Whatever the motives of the terrorists may be, they affect National Integration.

Terrorism is derived from the word “Terror” which means “extreme fear”. The persons who make atmosphere of extreme fear among masses are called terrorists. Such type of activities is called terrorism. The aim of a terrorist is to spread terror among people. They kill those persons or officials who oppose their evil deeds. Thus they create an atmosphere of terror to suit their designs.

Today, terrorism is a world-wide problem ranging from aircraft hijacking, planting of bombs in air craft’s, brutal killing of opponents and innocent people by the terrorists are heard every day from far and near. It is often seen that terrorist groups whether in India or Sri Lanka or elsewhere in the world, receive money, weapons and training from other foreign countries. These terrorists have unlimited access to sophisticated weapons. They believe that the highest form of revolutionary terrorism should utilize the most advanced science and technology.

In India, terrorism struck in the recent past in one form or another, especially in Punjab, Assam, Darjeeling and other States. Now recently it began showing teeth in Kashmir also. These people are directly being sponsored by a neighbouring country. It has put the people in extreme difficulties wherever the menace has erupted. The newspapers are filled with reports of violence, murder, explosion, shooting. In these terrorist activities hundreds of innocent men and women are killed. Many official building are either destroyed or burn to ashes, for no reason. Today it looks uncertain how long this lust for blood will continue. But it is rather obvious that these people have no other reason for the terrorist activities than creating menace among the people.

Terrorism is the main problem of our country this time. Steps should be taken to tackle the situation peacefully. The people involved in it are mostly our own people, our own blood. They have some misconceptions and misunderstandings. These can be solved by getting them on the negotiation table.

Several steps are now taken all over the world to control these activities like establishment of anti-terrorist forces to battle terrorism. The countries like Britain, Russia, and Germany have their own anti-terrorist forces. India has also established such forces to fight to terrorism. The police and sundry Para military forces have been present in certain areas of the country where violence is at worst. India has not taken steps to check the terrorism in her own country but also helped her neighbouring countries like Sri Lanka to fight them.

depanshu: Copied just only to help! only he has the right to report my answer who have a better one!
Answered by duragpalsingh

Fuel Conservation:

God gifted us many things. He made the world and our planet Earth. On Earth, we human are undoubtedly dependent on various things. We’re also dependent to Fuel. Aren’t we? Yes we’re dependent. Fuel is a thing when heated produce energy. 

                       We need various things for making ourselves good such as Food. For cooking food, we need fuel. So, Fuel is very important and its role is indispensable. For example: Food works like a fuel in human body. It gives energy to human body and helps in maintaining the growth and life of human and animals as well.

                       Fossil Fuels such as coal, petroleum, natural gas are mainly used in industries for various purposes. Electricity, the thing which we need daily as a source of energy is also produced by Fossil fuels. Rapid and Uncontrolled urbanization also has the demand of more Energy which is being produced by fuels. We can’t do much without fuels.

                        Combustion of fuels has a bad impact on our Environment and led to the pollution. Our environment includes birds, trees, water, air etc. We’re also willingly dependent on our Environment. Environment is clean than only we’ve fresh mind and healthy. Combustion of fossil fuels led the formation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. It harms our Environment. The air is mixed with greenhouse gases and we breathe. It effects on our lives and health. It may cause respiratory diseases such as asthma and pulmonary disorder. It may also harm to our ecosystem.

                         The ozone layer safeguards our earth. It defend us from the ultraviolet rays coming from the sun. The combustion of fuels produces greenhouse gases which led to the depleting of ozone layer faster. This affects the earth. We’ll suffer from it.

                          We need a peaceful environment and a better place to live. For making our environment safe we should not use vehicles much which need more fuel. Wow! It saves our money. Let’s make people aware of walking and using more and more bicycle not any fuel consuming vehicle. We should switch off engines while waiting for traffic light. 

                         Let’s use more and more LED bulbs and computer monitors. Let’s use CNG engines. Let’s use solar boats while travelling though water bodies. Let’s use clean renewable fuels. Let’s make our lives peaceful by saving fuel. Let’s make our future peaceful and brighter.  

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