English, asked by 9650B, 1 year ago

I need best 2 minutes speech about the topic -"SCIENCE AND FUTURE"
The speech should be in simple English
It should be best
BECAUSE It is for my ASL (assignment of Speaking and Listening ) in school and it will be marked.


Answered by SARDARshubham
Science is the knowledge of earth, environment, surrounding and the living beings involved. It provide us with many new things and revelations of many things we do not know. Without science we can't imagine how our life could be. Whatever our society is today is due to scientific advancement.
Science has helped in living our lives more comfortably -with less manual work and more useful results. Science has helped man to reach moon which was unknown to man as a natural satellite.
Although, this seems pretty good but everything has its advantages and disadvantages. New tools are essential for new inventions in technology, but if they are use for destructive purposes it will be very difficult for people to survive. Weapons, nuclear bombs are all inventions based on science which has proved fatal for loves of human.
So the day is not far when we will be completely depended on machines and for that day we need to improve our knowledge of science for bigger and better future of mankind. THANK YOU !!

Anonymous: Nice answer:)
Answered by sreedhar2
Science and technology have improved our life in many ways. First of all, science together with technology plays a strong role in the industrialization as well as modernization of the world. Its clearly seen that robots are now replacing humans in many factories especially nuclear ones. Moreover, there is no doubt that our daily life has been made a lot more convenient thanks to the help of science and technology. Medical science has also discovered new kinds of treatments for diseases which were thought to be incurable. An average person spends quite a lot of time using a computer or keeping in touch with his/her friends and families via such things as the Internet or the mobile phone. In addition, we could also entertain by watching TV, listening to music, playing video games thanks to many scientific and technological achievements. With the reasons listed below, I totally believe science and technology helps improve our living standard. In conclusion, science as well as technology is creating a better world for all of us with its great contributions.

Hope it would help you!
:) :)
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