Biology, asked by RedRiot, 11 months ago


Which of these is an example of a physical change?

Question 1 options:

wood decaying

steel rusting

paper burning

iron melting

Question 2 (1 point) Question 2 Unsaved
A teacher listed the following two processes.

• Process 1: water changing to ice in a freezer
• Process 2: steam coming out of a kettle filled with hot of water

Which table correctly identifies the change of state taking place in each example?

Question 2 options:

Process 1: Liquid to gas

Process 2: Liquid to gas

Process 1: Liquid to solid

Process 2: Gas to liquid

Process 1: Liquid to solid

Process 2: Liquid to gas

Process 1: Liquid to gas

Process 2: Liquid to solid

Question 3 (1 point) Question 3 Unsaved
Which statement best describes the difference between a physical change and a chemical change?

Question 3 options:

A chemical change results in a new element being formed, and a physical change results in a new compound being formed.

A chemical change does not result in a new substance being formed, whereas a physical change does.

A physical change produces a new element, and a chemical change results in a bond breaking between atoms.

A physical change is a change from one state of matter to another; a chemical change results in a new substance formed.

Question 4 (1 point) Question 4 Unsaved
Burning a candle is a chemical change. What is the primary evidence that burning the candle is a chemical reaction?

Question 4 options:

change in odor

formation of a solid

temperature change

change in color

Question 5 (1 point) Question 5 Unsaved
glass shattering in to pieces
bubblegum being stretched
a piece of metal expanding due to heat

These are all examples of

Question 5 options:

phase change.

chemical change.

physical change.

temperature change.

Question 6 (1 point) Question 6 Unsaved
Based on the following characteristics, classify the state of matter: high energy found in stars consists of freely moving charged particles

Question 6 options:





Question 7 (1 point) Question 7 Unsaved
What is not a chemical property of an apple?

Question 7 options:

Apples can spoil or rot.

Green apples can be more acidic than red apples.

Apples can be digested.

Apple are red, yellow or green.

Question 8 (1 point) Question 8 Unsaved
Which action would result in a chemical change?

Question 8 options:

crumpling a newspaper into a ball

pounding a nail into a piece of wood

making blueberry muffins

peeling and slicing a cucumber

Question 9 (1 point) Question 9 Unsaved
What kind of properties can only be observed when a substance changes into a different substance?

Question 9 options:

physical properties

changing properties

chemical properties

reaction properties


Answered by Anonymous
Hey mate.......

here is ur answer.......

Ans 1) The correct answer is iron melting .. As iron cam be cooled down again to form the same state.

Ans 2) The correct option is .......

Liquid to solid as the water is changing to ice.

Liquid to gas as because of hot water , the steam is produced.

Ans 3) Sentence no. 4 is correct ....A physical change is is a change from one state to another and in a chemical change a new substance is formed.

Ans 4) Formation of solid is correct as in a chemical reaction , new sibstance is formed.

Ans 5) They are the examples of a physical change as the state is changing and no new substance is formed..

Ans 6) They are made up of gas as they have low volume and are denser as they can freely move about .

Ams 7) Green apples can be more acidic than red apples as there is no new substance formation.

Ans 8) Pounding a nail into wood will result in a chemical chamge as it is irreversible and a mew substance is formed.

Ans 9) Chemical properties as new substance is formed that is not same as the reactant.


hope it helps

be brainly

RedRiot: I Love You For That
RedRiot: Ok I Know This Is Alot To Ask But Could You Answer The Other Parts 2 And Three Please That Would Mean So mUch To Me
RedRiot: Part 2:
RedRiot: Part 3:
Answered by Anonymous
1)=> iron
iron came to cool again from the same state
2) liquid to solid
eg: water changes to ice cubes

liquid to gas( hot water produces steam)
3)a physical change is a change in which the the product formed is reversible and no new substance are formed
chemical change in which new product are formed which cannot be reversible and new product are formed

4) solid is formed
chemical change( non reversible ,new products are formed)

5) physical change( reversible,no new product are formed)

6) composition by the gas ( because of the low volume, particles are freely arranged)

7) green apples can be more acidic than the red apple

8) pounding the mail into a wood ; forms chemical change( irreversible,new products are formed)

9) chemical change as new product are formed which are not reversible
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