Computer Science, asked by malinirahim24, 8 months ago

i need help with this test

penguins are birds with black and white feathers. they have wings,but they can not fly. instead, they waddle back and forth.a group of penguins that lives together is called a colony.
penguins live near salt water,so that they drink.they have a special gland in their bodies that pushes the salt out of their beaks! penguins find their food in the water too:fish,shrimp,and krill.
penguins need to watch out for several predators.some animals that eat penguins are leoppard seals,sea lions,and orcas(killer whales).
most people think about penguins living in very cold places like antarctica,but they also live on the coasts of south america,africa,australia,and the galapagos islands.


Answered by Aeslvah


I chose my topic to be the Penguin because, like I said, I think they look really cute. I think they look really cute because they have such a big head and a short, thick neck. Also the way they waddle, is really cute. The way they stand, really fascinates me. They look really proud. I sometimes wish I was as proud as they look.  

Penguins are birds that can't fly, but they are really good swimmers. This means they spend most of their life in the water. However, they lay their eggs on the land, and raise their babies there as well.

All Penguins have a big head an a short and thick neck. Their body are streamlined, with a short tail. Penguins have heavy bones, which allows them to stay in the water. Penguins dive into they water and 'fly' underwater at great speed. Penguins have a light colour skin on their belly, but a darker colour skin on their back, which helps them camouflage them underwater. When they are swimming, the dark colour is on the top, and the light colour is on the bottom. Because the dark colour is on top, it is hard for other animals that are above the penguin to see the penguin. When there are other animals underneath the penguin, it's hard to see the penguin against the light.  

The body of a penguin has a thick layer of fat to keep them warm and shiny. It also waterproofs their feathers to keep their skin dry. Penguins have more feathers than other birds. They make oil form a gland near their tale, and they use this to coat their feathers.  

Penguins live from frozen Antarctica, to the warmer tropical waters around the equator. They feed in the ocean. They eat fish, crustaceans, and squid.  

Penguins are very social birds. Nesting areas can contain thousands of individual birds. Even at the sea, they will swim and feed in groups. Because penguins are birds, the females, will lay eggs after mating. Most penguin species build nests, but the nests will probably only consist of only a pile of rocks or hollows in the dirt. Only Emperor Penguins don't build nests; the males hold the eggs on top of their feed, under a fold of skin called a brood patch. Penguin babies have big appetites and grow quickly. Most of them become as big as their parents in no-time, which means they also have to become independent.

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