I need points on how to balance new found freedom and responsible behavior
Many students are pumped for the freedom that comes with going to college. It is exciting! It’s a time for you to start making decisions about what classes to take and when to take them, when and where to study, and a variety of other new opportunities. It will be up to you to find your classes and get there on time, to make sure that you’re eating well, and to hold yourself accountable overall. We want you to succeed, so we’ve come up with some ways you can balance your freedom and responsibility.
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How to Balance Freedom and Responsibility in College
Last updated by Liz Skogerboe
Last updated August 29, 2019
Balance your freedom and responsibility
Flickr user Stetson University Marketing
Many students are pumped for the freedom that comes with going to college. It is exciting! It’s a time for you to start making decisions about what classes to take and when to take them, when and where to study, and a variety of other new opportunities. It will be up to you to find your classes and get there on time, to make sure that you’re eating well, and to hold yourself accountable overall. We want you to succeed, so we’ve come up with some ways you can balance your freedom and responsibility.
Manage Your Time
Balance your freedom and responsibility by managing your time. After figuring out your class (and/or work, internship, volunteering, etc) schedule, go through your calendar and set aside a specific time just for studying and homework. Print this out or make a copy on some scrap paper and hang it up where you’ll see it every day. The calendar is a good way to help remind yourself how you need to be spending your time. You can even add it to the calendar on your phone or computer so you always have it with you.