Science, asked by jorgeplayz11, 11 months ago


1 Answer:
A vertebrate is to an invertebrate as a
a. worm is to a puppy.
b. person is to a jellyfish.
c. sponge is to a coelenterate.
d. bee is to its hive.
2 Answer:
A sponge gets its food by
a. moving along the ocean bottom filtering small organisms through
its mouth.
b. capturing small sea life with its tentacles.
c. staying in one spot on the ocean floor and taking in food through
its pores.
d. grinding up food in its gizzard.
3 Answer:
Pheromones are used by
a. squid to attack prey.
b. insects as a defense mechanism.
c. insects to attract mates.
d. oysters when they form natural pearls.
4 Answer:
Sponges are unusual because
a. their cells function on their own without one another.
b. they break up into clumps.
c. they are a colony of cells living together.
d. they produce growth rings.
5 Answer:
An organism that contains a central cavity with only one opening
is called a(an)
a. mollusk.
b. arthropod.
c. sponge.
d. coelenterate.
6 Answer:
An animal that has a soft, fleshy body and may have a hard outer
shell is called a(an)
a. arthropod.
b. spiny-skinned animal.
c. mollusk.
d. coelenterate.
7 Answer:
Algae live inside a coral's body and
a. make food for the coral.
b. get rid of the wastes of the coral.
c. serve as a protection for the coral.
d. give color to the coral.
8 Answer:
A sea anemone is an example of a(an)
a. coral.
b. coelenterate.
c. mollusk.
d. arthropod.
9 Answer:
A jellyfish captures prey by means of its
a. pores.
b. relationship with clownfish that serve as bait.
c. tentacles.
d. jellylike cup.
10 Answer:
The most successful invertebrates on the earth are the
a. worms.
b. arthropods.
c. coelenterates.
d. sponges.
11 Answer:
Which of the following is a flatworm?
a. planarian
b. Trichina worm
c. hookworm
d. earthworm
12 Answer:
A type of worm that attaches itself to the tissues of a host and
takes food and water from it is a(an) _____.
a. planarian.
b. Trichina worm.
c. earthworm.
d. tapeworm.
13 Answer:
The saclike organ that stores food for an earthworm is called the
a. crop.
b. gizzard.
c. mantle.
d. pore.
14 Answer:
Which of the following is "not" a characteristic by which
mollusks are grouped?
a. type of foot
b. type of radula
c. presence of a shell
d. type of shell
15 Answer:
Univalve is to bivalve as
a. mantle is to radula.
b. soft is to hard.
c. squid is to mussel.
d. snail is to clam.
16 Answer:
A type of mollusk that has tentacles that are used for movement
and to capture food is the
a. starfish.
b. sea slug.
c. clam.
d. octopus.
17 Answer:
The head region of a mollusk generally contains
a. the mantle.
b. the digestive organs.
c. the mouth, and sense organs.
d. the shell, if present.
18 Answer:
Starfish destroy clam beds by
a. opening the clams' shells and eating them.
b. producting a purple dye that kills the clams.
c. poking their spines into the soft body parts of the clams.
d. crushing the shells of the clams with their thousands of tube feet.
19 Answer:
Which of the following is "not" considered an echinoderm?
a. crab
b. sea cucumber
c. starfish
d. sand dollar
20 Answer:

Two characteristics that distinguish arthropods from other groups
of invertebrates are the presence of
a. eight legs and bodies with two segments.
b. jointed legs and exoskeleton.
c. ability to molt and to obtain oxygen from water.
d. six legs and bodies with three segments.
21 Answer:

Crabs, lobsters, and crayfish are examples of
a. arachnids.
b. spiny-skinned animals.
c. mollusks.
d. crustaceans.
22 Answer:

Which of the following is "not" a difference between centipedes and
a. Centipedes have one pair of legs in a segment, while millipedes
have two pairs of legs in a segment.
b. Centipedes have stink glands, while millipedes have fangs.
c. Centipedes eat animals, while millipedes eat plants.
d. Centipedes can inject poison, while millipedes cannot.
23 Answer:
An open circulatory system is
a. a system of tubes that is open to the outside.
b. a system of tubes that is open to the digestive system.
c. one in which blood usually is not contained within a
a system of blood vessels.
d. all of these.
24 Answer:

During metamorphosis, and insect passes through four stages.
Which of the following is the correct order of these stages?
a. egg, larva, pupa, adult
b. egg, cocoon, larva, adult
c. larva, pupa, cocoon, adult
d. pupa, egg, larva, adult
25 Answer:

Which of the following insects is not a social insect?
a. grasshopper
b. bee
c. termite
d. ant


Answered by learnerforlife
1) b
2) c
3) c
5) a

jorgeplayz11: UM...
jorgeplayz11: to late
Answered by kulsumsimran88


1) b

2) c

3) c

4) d

5) ???????

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