Math, asked by Keshav661, 4 months ago

I need step by step explanations ::-



Answered by AkashSGowda



"It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness" is a Chinese proverb meaning better to do something about a problem than just complain about it. Further, a candle is a small answer to a large problem, but it is still a worthy step in the right direction, rather than just bemoaning the problem (of darkness).  

The tribute paid by Adlai Stevenson to Eleanor Roosevelt when the former First Lady died in November 1962 was: "She would rather light a candle than curse the darkness, and her glow has warmed the world."  

And, beginning in 1945 a men's mission group, The Christophers, set about to encourage people of all ages, and from all walks of life, to use their God-given talents to make a positive difference in the world. This mission is best expressed in The Christophers’ motto: “It’s better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.”  

Today it is easy to be overcome with a feeling of darkness - extreme bipartisanship here in the U.S., numerous global geo-political hotspots, global warming, opiate addiction, income inequality and shrinking real household wages, and the paralyzing feeling that we're being left behind due to accelerating change from technology advancement and globalization, to name just a few seemingly insurmountable problems. I must admit, I was one of "those" who had to take to social media to empty my bladder of the discomfort created by the times.  

But no more complaining, it's time to do something constructive.

Social or community problems are problems that by their very definition concern a large number of people. Unfortunately, those who are socially and economically powerful, such as government officials, interest groups, or community leaders often define these problems - and their solutions. While everyone who is indirectly affected by an issue, those who are directly experiencing the problem are often left out of the processes of identifying what the problem really is, and the selection of a solution.

To achieve this mission, the board of directors of Vermont Works, led by our "benefit director", shall engage in a continuing process of (1) determining who is materially affected by our investments, (2) developing and maintaining criteria for balancing both the financial interests, as well as any specific benefit pursuant to the targeted Impact Themes, and (3) measuring progress against those criteria.  


(b) Do you know why Television is called as a Idiot box.Do you not find television entertaiing and informative?Are you aware a lot of studies are happening to actually note if the increase or enhance violent behaviour of kids is cause of television.Some studies have given a list of bad effect of excessive television watching.


The Invention of Television

The word ‘television’ comes from the Greek ‘tele’ meaning ‘from afar’. Just like how telephone, and telegraph mean sounds, and writing, or messages, from afar, television means pictures from afar.


So, who invented television?

As with many great inventions, from airplanes to motor-cars, telephones, the fountain pen and the typewriter, television cannot be wholly attributed to one man.Experiments in transmitting images over a distance have dated back as far as the late 1800s, however, television as we would recognise it today, that is, moving images transmitted to a screen, did not emerge until the mid-1920s. The man responsible for its creation was Mr. John Logie Baird, a Scotsman (1888-1946). Mr. Baird was experimenting with transmitting images over the air for a long time, starting in the early 1920s. However, it was not until the early 1930s that the first TV sets that we might know today, ever appeared in shop windows.It will not be wrong to say that the television was one of the biggest inventions of  the twentieth century and has actually brought a big revolution in mass communication, but if you look at the other side of the coin then it is very daunting. Television or its modern version of plasma or LCD screens can make you sit in front of it consecutively for hours that we are better off calling it an idiot’s box rather than an idiot box.


Adverse Effect of prolonged watching of television.

1)Watching television for a limited time with family is not bad, but too much of it can affect our critical thinking to a detrimental level and change our personality.

2)Excess TV viewing also has a profound impact on our relationships.

3)Noise pollution created by television leads to all this.

4)Spending time with TV also means that you have less time for interacting with your friends and family members. How would you feel if your partner finds watching TV a better option than talking to you ? You will certainly feel bad and as it turns out,watching too much TV has now become one of reasons of divorce cases.


5)Further with 3D television, the depth perception in children is greatly affected. It has been recommended that children under three should not watch television at all.

Hope it helps

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