English, asked by aggelikiannatsita, 7 months ago

I need this essay in an hour! please help me!
The topic is:"Most people claim that social networking has a huge impact on our interpersonal relationships and has changed the way we communicate with people. Has social networking improved the quality of relationships in society? Discuss the positive as well as the negative aspects giving examples." ​​


Answered by abhilash7995


More of something can be good, but too much of the same rarely is. Ever since man landed on this earth, he has unfolded new ways to quench his thirst of interaction by creating ways of communication, ranging from the primitive language to advanced technologies like the computer and the mobile phone. But has man been able to achieve his goals? Or has he done the reverse in his attempt to achieve his goal? We came up with the idea of social media for the sake of interpersonal communication, but we ended up sacrificing interpersonal communication to make space for social media. Merriam-Webster defines social media as “forms of electronic communication (such as websites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (such as videos).” Some examples include Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and even blogs where peoples’ articles can be voted and commented upon. These websites allow the people to create their own social network, share things of interest and discuss a wide range of issues in the society.

An interpersonal relationship is a strong, deep, or close association or acquaintance between two or more people that may range in duration from brief to enduring. This association may be based on inference, love, solidarity, regular business interactions, or some other type of social commitment.[1] The significance of interpersonal communication isn’t limited to interpersonal relationships, but rather it holds importance in fields like business. Therefore, it is of prime concern to acknowledge what impact social media has on interpersonal communication. Companies that try to connect with their clients and customers through social media must have insight into the ways the interpersonal psychology while using social media might exert influence on their client relationships.

The regular media such as the television, radio, and newspaper allows only one-way communication, whereas social media gives a platform for interaction among the users. Social media is of much help to those who find it more liberating and comfortable to interact online in place of conversing face-to-face because of nervousness. Another advantage of online interaction is that people can get out of the boundaries of geographical proximity for connecting to people with same interests. Social media sustains the relations which might have been at a disadvantage due to the absence of geographical proximity. It enables interaction that may have been inconceivable without it.

However, it must be asserted that instead of bringing people together, social media can instead create distance among them. Although people are becoming more social with the use of social media, there has been an inevitable shift in our ways of communication. More and more online interaction has led to reduced face-to-face interaction.

There are three theories which must be mentioned in order to understand how social media brings about changes in interpersonal communication and relations of the users. The theories are Technology Determinism, Social Penetration theory and the theory of Uses and Gratification.

According to the theory of Technology Determinism, “technology is the medium that shapes and controls the scale and form of human association and action.” Opportunities for new experiences and the ability to be present anywhere all the time are invaluable gifts of the social media.

Answered by hahalol102


Ms gurl got a whole essay, nice. Good luck on that essay!


(edit: I meant that someone wrote a whole essay for them.)

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