i need to know if i can use this word in this sentence... 1. but merely (written) guiide books keeps the students ignoble of the subject-matter as they ate written focusing on exam result while a text book covers all the details...
Unlike traditional closed book exams where students are required to rely solely on their recall of exam topics, open book exams allow students to consult reference materials (notes, textbook, etc.) in the course of completing the exam. But don't be deceived. Just because an exam is an open book doesn't mean it will be easier, or any less challenging, than a closed book exam. In fact, the opposite is often true. While closed book exams place emphasis on memorization and recall, open book exams place focus on higher level learning and typically require students to evaluate, analyze, or synthesize information, rather than simply remember it. The strategies outlined below will help improve your performance on open book tests.
Herpetophobia definition
Herpetophobia is a fear of reptiles. People with herpetophobia are most often afraid of reptiles like snakes and lizards. However, they may also be afraid of other reptiles, such as turtles, alligators, and crocodiles. Herpetophobia is a specific phobia, which is a kind of anxiety disorder.12-Jan-2021