English, asked by soccerismylove2006, 2 months ago

I need to make a project on the following topic...if u could suggest to me some points I can elaborate on, then it would be pretty helpful

TOPIC- Punjab's changing facet on the global scenario (or Punjab with respect to the global scenario)


Answered by mahirbung25


Explanation:       153                                          Pritam Singh: Globalisation and Punjabi Identity   Globalisation and Punjabi Identity: Resistance, Relocation and Reinvention (Yet Again!)  Pritam Singh  Oxford Brookes University _______________________________________________________________  Punjabiyat or Punjabi identity evokes simultaneous contradictory images of a splintered identity, yet a  potentially powerful economic,  political and  cultural force.  This paper attempts  to  capture  different  aspects  of  this  contradictory  nature  by  situating  the conflicting  pulls  on  Punjabi  identity  in  the  context  of  the  ongoing  process  of globalisation  of  economy,  politics  and  culture.  One  aspect  of  globalisation  that  is particularly taken into account is the role of the Punjabi diaspora in giving impetus both to the  powerful imagining  of a  unified Punjabi  identity and to many  divisions in the global Punjabi community. Methodologically, the paper  attempts to fuse mapping  the historical  lineages of  Punjabi identity  with an  analytical interrogation  of the  idea of Punjabiyat or Punjabi identity. It concludes by outlining the potential for the emergence of a stronger Punjabi identity in spite of fissures in that identity.  _______________________________________________________________  Introduction  When thinking and writing about Punjabi identity, it seems we feel compelled immediately  to  mention one  or  other of  those accompanying  words  whose purpose  seems  to  be  to  qualify  and  problematise  the  subject  of  Punjabi identity.  These  accompanying  words  could  be:  examine,  interrogate  and explore.1 Though all of these  words connote some degree  of hesitation, each signifies a  different nuance of  that hesitation. If interrogation  suggests some kind  of  scepticism  and  examination  hints  at  a  neutral  stance,  exploration certainly  has a developmental  and optimistic  ring about  it. Behind different shades  of  scepticism  and  optimism  lie  not  only  the  attempts  at  objective unwrapping of the limitations and potentialities of Punjabi identity but also the political projects aimed at undoing and making it.  The  geographic  location  and  the  historical  making  of  Punjab  have contributed to the vicissitudes of Punjabi identity. The geographic location of Punjab as the gateway to India for traders, invaders and conquerors meant that resistance, relocation and reinvention  would all  play their part in  constantly moulding  and  remoulding  Punjabi  identity.  The  region  was  repeatedly subjected  to  annexation,  partition  and  reorganisation.  For  one  significant period in its historical  evolution, Punjab under Maharaja Ranjit  Singh in  the early  half  of  the  nineteenth  century  had  the  characteristics  of  an  imperial power annexing and subordinating other regions (Singh and Rai, 2009). Along with that, Punjabis have been settling abroad in large numbers since the

Answered by Dipisha


If you are making ppt then you can add pic of punjab fields you can first tell that punjab was named on the five major rivers of that area and then punjab construbtion on agricultural field and all that u can just search this topic and see different different websites and then read and take important topics amd add it and make one.....

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