i need to now science
which chapter I will explain for you at less than class 11
Good Science Teaching Can Make a Difference
The key ingredient in improving the quality of student learning are the experiences provided by a motivating teacher. Is there anything more exciting to a young child than watching chickens hatch from their eggs? Or when older students look at tiny organisms under a microscope and discover their wonderful construction? From this initial experience, teachers can help students learn what living things need to sustain life, show them what happens when they are deprived of those things, and help students develop a respect for living things.
Perhaps the most important role of science is to sustain that sense of awe and wonder in young people that comes from exploring and understanding the natural and technological world. Because science can make a unique difference in a child's life, it is important for it to be a central part of the school curriculum. When it is well taught and student engagement is high, science can be the academic subject that keeps a child's natural love of learning alive.
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