I need to write a lettler to my grandma or grandpa
16, Bailey Road
Digha Ghat
Patna - 01
Dear Grandma,
You hold a special place in my heart. Even though we see each other regularly, I need to say about how much you mean to me.
You’ve been a constant presence in my life since I was little: holidays with our family’s familiar recipes, birthdays with your mother’s birthday cake recipe, Sunday afternoon board games. We have special, specific memories of just the two of us as well. That trip we took to Kolkata is a precious memory. I wouldn’t trade early Saturdays working at farmers’ market with you for all the hours of sleep I missed.
I love seeing you at our weekly visit. It’s priceless for them to experience having a great-grandma, just as I did with your mother. They love you dearly; you’re such a good listener to all their little stories. Next week, I should bring a game so we can have some quiet!
Thank you for caring and listening to my woes and joys, my children and marriage, my work and volunteering, my friends and family. Your calm perspective is always so welcome.
Thank you for being my grandma.
650 Flora Avenue
Winnipeg, MB ., R2W 2S5
September , 19 2020
Dear Grandma and Grandpa,
Thank you for everything you have done for me and bought for me. Thank you for the food you gave me and the money. Thank you for the letters and presents. Thank you for spending time with me, driving me places, taking me places, and playing with me. Thank you for helping me with my homework. Thank you for everything!
PS- I love you
Julia D.