I Q. 1. Distinguish the service conditions of organised
sector with that of unorganized sector.
U (CBSE Delhi & Outside Delhi ,2018)
Organised sector is registered by the government whereas, the unorganised sector is largely outside the control of the government. ... In organised sector the numbers of working hours are fixed whereas in unorganised sector the numbers of working hours are not fixed.
Service conditions of Organised and Unorganised Sectors:
Organised sector is registered by the government whereas, the unorganised sector is largely outside the control of the government.
In organised sector the workers enjoy security of employment whereas, in unorganised sector jobs are insecure, low paid and irregular.
In organised sector the numbers of working hours are fixed whereas in unorganised sector the numbers of working hours are not fixed.
In organised sector workers get several benefits such as paid leaves, payment during holidays, provident fund, etc, whereas in unorganised sector such facilities are not available