English, asked by ladoolora, 6 hours ago

I Read
3) Stripes
One day, all the animals in the forest were terrified. The tiger was
terribly angry. 'Where are my stripes? Who has stolen Them?' he
roared. All had been well the night before. But in the morning, the
tiger's stripes were missing.
Tiggy, the little tiger cub, was very upset. 'Why
is Papa so angry?' he asked his mother. Mama
hugged him and said, 'He is very upset because his stripes are
upset missing. Don't worry. Everything will be well soon.'
Tiggy went out to play with his friend Bruno, the bear. He wanted to help his
father. What shall I do?' he asked Bruno.
Why don't you ask the old lady on the hill? She knows magic', Bruno, the bear.
'I shall go at once', said Tiggy and raced off. Climbing up the hill was long and
tiring. But Tiggy did not stop until he stood outside the old lady's hut. He
knocked on the door softly, 'Go away', said the old lady. 'Please madam, 1
need your help', said Tiggy.
He heard footsteps coming closer and closer. Then, the
door opened. He saw a very old lady wearing a tattered
gown. She looked angry, 'Who are you, and why are you
here?' she asked. I am Tiggy, and I want some magic
powder. My Papa has lost his stripes', answered Tiggy.
'Run away! I am not helping anyone', she said.
Big tears rolled down Tiggy's cheeks. The old lady's heart
She gave him a tiny box. 'Sprinkle the powder when
the tiger is asleep', she said, 'Thank you very much',
said Tiggy and ran back home.
That night, Tiggy quietly sprinkled the powder on his father as he
slept. The next morning, the tiger's stripes were back. All the animals
were overjoyed. There was peace in the forest again.
Words with the short
'i' sound
able to recognise it? How?
Os his father get back his​


Answered by krut36

ሃይ mane ki ho sakda እሱ አስተዋይ ነው መልሱም አዎ እኔ የአስተዋዮች ማስታወሻ ደብተር ነኝ እና የምችል አይመስለኝም

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