English, asked by kvardhans, 11 months ago

I. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions
I turned nine years old today! Mom picked me up from school and we went to the store. There were
dolls and games and fun things to play with everywhere. Mom let me choose three new things to buy.
When we got home, ten of my friends were there. I walked in and they jumped up and yelled,
“surprise!” then we had cake and ice cream. After that, we opened the presents that my friends had
brought to me. That night, my grandmother arrived. She had driven almost three hours just to come and
see me. What a great day!
Answer the questions related to the above passage
1. What kind of store did mom take me to?
2. Did I know about the party that was planned for me ?
3. What kind of party was it?
4. Does my grandmother live near my house?
5. Name the characters in the passage?
6. Find the numbers mentioned in the passage?
7. What was the age mentioned in the passage?
8. List out the verbs in the passage?
9. Which is the exclamatory word in the passage?
10. What would be a good title for this story?​


Answered by sowmyaganesan10b


please make me as brainlest


1) supermarket , mall

2) No , you don't know

3) A surprise Birthday party

4) No , she took 3 hours to reach your house

5) You, Your mom, Grandma, ten of your friends

6) 9 , 3 , 10 , 3

7) Nine years old

8) picked , went , play , walked , jumped , yelled , opened , brought , driven , arrived

9) * I turned nine years old today!

* Surprise!

* What a great day!

10) A great day nothing I had ever been!!!

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