I realize how the contribution of the youth in the past have continuously contributed to the world of today in many fields. I would like to assert that no youth today need to fear about future. Why? The ignited mind of the youth is the most powerful resource on the earth. Dear friends I would like to talk to you on the topic 'I am born with wings.' Last year I went to a village to inaugurate a programme called Sasthrayaan, which means 'the propagation of science'. The mission of Sasthrayaan was to ensure the preparation of about two thousand students from different schools towards making them eligible to be an engineer, scientist, doctors, qualified Imanagers and civil servants. This action would be, in turn, empower about two thousand families of the village. My inaugural address consisting five thousand students and their family members was on the topic, 'science empower the nation'. After my address I selected twelve students at random to ask questions. I would like to share one question asked by a teenager. The boy began speaking, "sir, I don't have confidence. I am afraid to talk to my teachers. I am afraid to talk to my friends. Whenever I talk I compare myself with other students. Please tell me. I want to be marine engineer. I want to build the engine of the ship. Shall I be able to do that sir? What should I do?
summery writing on above story
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I realize how the contribution of the youth in the past have continuously contributed to the world of today in many fields. I would like to assert that no youth today need to fear about future. Why? The ignited mind of the youth is the most powerful resource on the earth. Dear friends I would like to talk to you on the topic 'I am born with wings.' Last year I went to a village to inaugurate a programme called Sasthrayaan, which means 'the propagation of science'. The mission of Sasthrayaan was to ensure the preparation of about two thousand students from different schools towards making them eligible to be an engineer, scientist, doctors, qualified Imanagers and civil servants.
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