I realize how the contributions of the youth in the past continuously contributed to the
world of today in many fields. I would like to assert that no youth today need to fear about
the future. Why? The ignited mind of the youth is the most powerful resource on the earth,
under the earth and above the earth. Dear young friends I would like to talk to you on the
topic ‘I am born with wings.’
Last year I went to a village to inaugurate a program called Sasthrayaan, which
means ‘the propagation of science’. The mission of Sasthrayaan was to ensure the
preparation of about 2000 students from different schools, towards making them eligible to
be engineers, scientists, doctors, qualified managers and civil servants. This action would be,
in turn, empower about 2000 families of the village. My inaugural address to a mixed
audience, consisting of 5000 students and their family members was on the topic, ‘Science
Empower the Nation.’
After my address, hundred of hands were raised for asking questions. Due to the
limited availability of time, I selected 12 students at random, from the last row to the first, to
ask questions. I would like to share with you one question of great concern which was asked
by a student.
The question was from a teenager who had come from far away village. He was
nervous and typical representative of the youth of India. The boy began speaking, Sir, I don't
know what I should ask.I am nervous. I have not asked any question in my class. I need to
have confidence but I have not gained any confidence through my education during all these
years. I am afraid to talk to my teachers.I am afraid to talk to my friends. Whenever I talk, I
compare myself with other students and their elegant dress. Please tell me, I want to become
a marine engineer. I want to travel in a ship. I want to be the captain of the ship. I want to
build the engine of the ship. Shall I be able to do all these, sir? How can I achieve this
mission? What should I do? When the boy completed the question, the entire audience and
the dignitaries on the dais including the Chief Minister, were looking at me wondering what
Kalam was going to say to the sincere question of a young village boy .’
Write a brief summary of the above extract with the help of the points given below and
suggest a suitable title.
Answered by
suggest a suitable title.
the future of us
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