English, asked by sc73863, 1 month ago

I really need help on this


Now, you are going to put yourself in the narrator's shoes and tell your journey to Lilliput. Follow the writing process to write two descriptive paragraphs:

Planning: Look back at the story and choose one scene that you would like to put yourself into. For example, you could describe your reaction to the following scene:

"[lying in] daylight and I was laying on very short, soft grass. I tried to get up, but could not. My arms and legs were tied to the ground. My long, thick hair was also tied down. I was unable to move, and I could only look up. The hot, bright sun began to hurt my eyes."

A scene is a small section of the story. You would not want to re-write the entire story from your point of view. You will focus on a small section.

Go back to the story and choose a scene that you would like to describe from your point of view.

Drafting: Now that you have chosen a section, you are going to write your story about your time in Lilliput. You will want to notice how the events in the scene are organized. You will also analyze parts where you can add more description. That is the fun part! Use your creative mind to expand on the sections to add more to the scenes.

See below for an example:

For example:

Original text: I decided to lie still until dark and then free myself. If all the inhabitants of this place were the same size, I would be an easy match for even their greatest armies.

Re-written text: I decided to lie still until dark and then free myself. I even decided to pretend snore so that the inhabitants would shoot no more arrows at me. A few of the inhabitants jumped on my chest and inspected my face. I'm not sure they had seen anyone quite like me before. One came so close it made my nose tickle and I just about sneezed!

Make sure as you are drafting to include sensory details. Sensory details show, rather than tell, your reader what is happening. Think of painting a picture with words. Place your reader inside the paragraph by describing the sights and sounds.

Make sure each paragraph includes:

Topic Sentence: This is the "hook" to pull your readers into your paragraph.
Sensory Details: Make sure your readers can "see" your story. Use descriptive words to show us your setting.
Varied Sentences: Read your writing aloud and make sure your sentences flow. You will want to write some sentences short and some long. Use transition words in between your sentences. Since this is in first person, make sure to use personal pronouns.
Conclusion Sentence: A strong conclusion sentence wraps your paragraph up. It should restate the main idea of your paragraph.
Proofread, Edit/ Revise: When you are finished with your paragraphs, be sure to proofread your work. You may want to read your paragraphs to a friend to make sure you haven't left out any important details or events. If any part of your paragraph is confusing, you will want to re-write those sentences. Describing details in a different way may make it clearer to your reader.

Clean up any spelling and grammar mistakes and compare your work to the rubric before writing your final draft.


Answered by Anonymous


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hope it helps

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