English, asked by yallappam0251, 11 months ago

I saw dash visitor coming that way fill with article ​


Answered by Anonymous


I saw _______ visitor coming that way. (Fill with an appropriate Article)


➠ I saw a visitor coming that way.

What is Article ?

Article is included in grammar, which is used to denote an appropriate word used before Noun.


Types of Article .

There are two types of article, in grammar :

  • Indefinite article
  • Definite article


What is Indefinite article ?

The article which is denoted by a / an. This article is used for regular name of a person, place, animal or thing.


What is Definite article ?

The article which is denoted by The. This article is used for the name of specific person, place, animal or thing.


Some examples of Indefinite Article.

⟹ an Ice-Cream

⟹ an umbrella

⟹ a man

⟹ a bird


Some examples of Definite Article.

⟹ The Sun

⟹ The Moon

⟹ The Earth

⟹ The Universe


Answered by Anonymous


Fill with article ( a,an or the ).

I saw ___ visitor coming that way.


I saw {\underline {\sf {\green { \: a \:}}}}visitor coming that way.

Additional Information:

  • Articles are those words which modify nouns. 'A', 'An' and 'The' are called articles.

  • 'A' and 'An' are called indefinite articles. 'The' is called definite article.


• Sita is a girl.

• He is an ideal boy.

• This is the horse.

Points to remember:

  • 'A/An' is used before that Singular Countable noun( common noun and collective noun) that demonstrates indefinite person/animal/thing.

  • If noun is in plural number then there will be no use of 'a/an'.

  • We use 'a' before the consonant sound and 'an' before the vowel sound.

  • We use 'the' before that noun which is special, important and former acquaintance.

Few Examples:

  • Ram is a student.
  • This is a box.
  • She is a very good girl.
  • A dog is an animal.
  • There is an orange on the table.
  • He has an elephant
  • The poet Kalidas lived in India.
  • The moon is bright
  • The Himalayas are high.


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