English, asked by himanshu5250, 23 days ago

I……………….(sleep) soundly when the alarm ……………. (ring).(Write the

correct form of the verbs)

b) I am not interested ………… buying a new car now. I’ll think ………………. it

next year. (Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions)

c) He is the ……………..Bollywood star today. (Write the correct

degree of the adjective-famous)

d) Ganesh gave his pen to Mahesh for the exams. (Identify the kind of the

underlined adjective)

e) He is not a doctor. He is not an engineer. (Join the two sentences using

an appropriate conjunction)

f) We have only …………………….coffee powder left. (Fill in the blank with a

suitable determiner)

g) Don’t run like this or you will hurt yourself. (Identify the kind of the

underlined pronoun)

h) This is the boy whose father met with an accident.(Identify the kind of

the underlined pronoun)​


Answered by RuchaJangale


1. slept, rang

b.in, about


d.(not underlined)

e.He is neither a doctor nor an engineer.

f. some

g.(not underlined)

h.(not underlined)

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