I.T. Assignment
Write a javascript, on click of a button to change the title of the webpage same as given for id of head. Initially Title should be nothing. When mouse is over an image display the url of image in h2 element and when mouse is removed out display url of webpage in same h2 element. When mouse button is pressed down on an image display the border to that image and when mouse button is released remove the border.
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0 is te is te corr ans i hope
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Since its release in December 1995 (after Java which was released in May 23, 1995), JavaScript has gone through many changes. JavaScript began as a client-side programming language (which runs inside a web browser) for adding interactive contents to the web pages. It became more robust with DHTML and AJAX. With Node.js (in 2009), JavaScript can be used to program server-side and build full-stack web applications. In 2015, the ECMAScript 6 (ES6) introduces major update to the language.
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