इंटीरियर एक्सरसाइज 6
13. An experiment was set up as shown in the figure below
Flask contains germinating seeds and fresh air was
drawn through the set-up as shown by arrows
(i) What for this experimental set-up designed to
show ?
(u) What is the function of caustic soda in flask A?
(0) What change will be noticed in the lime water in
flasks B and D?
(M) How would you modify the experimental set-up
to got similar results by using small animal such
as a mouse ?
Step-by-step explanation:
13. An experiment was set up as shown in the figure below
13. An experiment was set up as shown in the figure belowFlask contains germinating seeds and fresh air was
13. An experiment was set up as shown in the figure belowFlask contains germinating seeds and fresh air wasdrawn through the set-up as shown by arrows
13. An experiment was set up as shown in the figure belowFlask contains germinating seeds and fresh air wasdrawn through the set-up as shown by arrowsCAT
13. An experiment was set up as shown in the figure belowFlask contains germinating seeds and fresh air wasdrawn through the set-up as shown by arrowsCATWATER
13. An experiment was set up as shown in the figure belowFlask contains germinating seeds and fresh air wasdrawn through the set-up as shown by arrowsCATWATER(i) What for this experimental set-up designed to
13. An experiment was set up as shown in the figure belowFlask contains germinating seeds and fresh air wasdrawn through the set-up as shown by arrowsCATWATER(i) What for this experimental set-up designed toshow ?
13. An experiment was set up as shown in the figure belowFlask contains germinating seeds and fresh air wasdrawn through the set-up as shown by arrowsCATWATER(i) What for this experimental set-up designed toshow ?(u) What is the function of caustic soda in flask A?
13. An experiment was set up as shown in the figure belowFlask contains germinating seeds and fresh air wasdrawn through the set-up as shown by arrowsCATWATER(i) What for this experimental set-up designed toshow ?(u) What is the function of caustic soda in flask A?(0) What change will be noticed in the lime water in
13. An experiment was set up as shown in the figure belowFlask contains germinating seeds and fresh air wasdrawn through the set-up as shown by arrowsCATWATER(i) What for this experimental set-up designed toshow ?(u) What is the function of caustic soda in flask A?(0) What change will be noticed in the lime water inflasks B and D?
13. An experiment was set up as shown in the figure belowFlask contains germinating seeds and fresh air wasdrawn through the set-up as shown by arrowsCATWATER(i) What for this experimental set-up designed toshow ?(u) What is the function of caustic soda in flask A?(0) What change will be noticed in the lime water inflasks B and D?(M) How would you modify the experimental set-up
13. An experiment was set up as shown in the figure belowFlask contains germinating seeds and fresh air wasdrawn through the set-up as shown by arrowsCATWATER(i) What for this experimental set-up designed toshow ?(u) What is the function of caustic soda in flask A?(0) What change will be noticed in the lime water inflasks B and D?(M) How would you modify the experimental set-upto got similar results by using small animal such
13. An experiment was set up as shown in the figure belowFlask contains germinating seeds and fresh air wasdrawn through the set-up as shown by arrowsCATWATER(i) What for this experimental set-up designed toshow ?(u) What is the function of caustic soda in flask A?(0) What change will be noticed in the lime water inflasks B and D?(M) How would you modify the experimental set-upto got similar results by using small animal suchas a mouse ?
13. An experiment was set up as shown in the figure belowFlask contains germinating seeds and fresh air wasdrawn through the set-up as shown by arrowsCATWATER(i) What for this experimental set-up designed toshow ?(u) What is the function of caustic soda in flask A?(0) What change will be noticed in the lime water inflasks B and D?(M) How would you modify the experimental set-upto got similar results by using small animal suchas a mouse ?