Computer Science, asked by sahilmahisahil35027, 5 months ago

इंटरनेट से फोन करा ली पीसी पर लगाया जाने वाला सॉफ्टवेयर कीड़ा है​


Answered by yash12453


The system is rigid, largely established by Don Richard Riso, I think, -indeed, an intuitive and intelligent, perceptive guy, I think, but one -I also think -greedy, or needy, for a system for it all to capture his scattered insights: but human character is vast, subtle, changeable and variable; and like any system that believes it is what is ‘so’ or ‘true’, it really does not fit with our actual reality, I strongly suggest to anyone open to reality and interested in/perceptive of character

To gvr you an example of where reality and the system are incompatible: around now (2019-2020), enneagram enthusiasts debate endlessly – is the Psychopathic, extremely unhealthy Trump, which Gurdjieff would surely label a ‘Hasnamassus’, is a ‘3’ or an ‘8’!? He has to be one OR the other, they think. Well, just to make this point, entertaining the reality of the 9 types -as I know them well, one can clearly SEE he has both the traits of the ‘3’ and the ‘8’ And that is about all he is; but they cannot and will not see this, because of the system denies that possibility -so back-and-forth it goes! It is Bizarre, irrational to our experience, and why does no one else see this!? (I am aware of the huge amount of adherents -most of whom are in the U.S. -some of whom will be intelligent + perceptive -and must have undelying confusions about this!?!)

I am sure that our ‘essence’ knows these things, but it is subtle and experiential; for some reason our personalites/egos/everyday, conditioned selves seem to NEED such Systems, sadly…

I find the (already, earlier touched-upon) Chinese elements are a good way, tool, to see character, perhaps the best way, better than Myers Briggs, for they don’t need to conform to a ‘stereotype’ but a very General temperament: and with them, one needs no system or Birthchart, or whatever; and we all have all 5, but some are much more native to our essence more than others, but we need to have some of all of them to life a satisfying, and fulfilled life: someone might be ‘wood’ predominant or ‘wood and metal’ predominant, but they can still show signs of ‘water’ or ‘earth’ or ‘fire’ at other times… and that is just the way that particular being is… It is just being in touch with the ever-shifting reality of what we actually are! Reality is multi-faceted and subtle, even when it does not appear so…

I would love someone to right a really persuasive counter-argument to what I am saying; but I have never heard one… For instance, I might be wrong, I might have overlooked something… It is quite ‘lonely’ being like this… But no one has done this. Moreover, so many current ‘spiritual teachers’ also ‘identify’ with their ‘type’ which makes me wonder about them to be honest, to some extent.

So -my ultimate conclusion about the enneagram is that a flawed system in believing one person is just one ‘type’. What it is quite astute abut it is the personality archetypes. Occasionally, all of us can be true to one of them, but never on a day-to-day basis! Don Richard Riso believed in and only these 9 types -albeit with wings; and THAT was the original problem I guess! They are stereotypes; although there is some genius of awareness in spanning the whole of human character with these nine types -i.e. there are very few ‘pure thinkers’ or pure ‘artists’ although many people will/would choose them as one of their closest ‘types’.

Answered by jenishpun512


tere maaki hdhdudjdjfjfufutiri

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