इंटरव्यू विद अ डॉक्टर अबाउट प्रिकॉशंस टेकन फॉर कोरोनावायरस क्वेश्चन एंड आंसर
Who should get tested for novel coronavirus?
Dr Guleria: Even if you have a fever and a severe cough, or a sore throat, you still need not get tested as of now unless you fit in two criteria. The first criteria are whether you have travelled abroad in the last 14 days, especially to a country where an outbreak of novel coronavirus is happening or you have come in close contact with a laboratory-confirmed case of Covid-19.
How long does it take for symptoms to appear?
Dr Guleria: This is what we call the incubation period. It usually takes between 2-7 days but it varies up to 14 days. Rarely, it has been reported that sometimes it can take even longer but in most patients, within 5-7 days symptoms will start to appear in the form of fever, cough and sore throat.
Should everyone be wearing masks?
Dr Guleria: Everyone need not wear a mask. It is important to understand that if you have a cough and cold, you should wear a mask so that you don't transmit the infection to others. If you are a healthcare worker looking after patients, it's worthwhile to wear a mask. Otherwise, a common person going out for day-to-day work or is at home or even going out for some time need not wear a mask, it does not protect you. Sometimes it can be harmful because you might end up touching your face to re-adjust the mask and end up transmitting disease from an infected surface on to your face using your hands
Should those with asthma wear a mask?
Dr Guleria: Those with asthma need not necessarily wear masks. However, they need to wash their hands regularly and maintain social distancing apart from avoiding crowded places.
If a colleague gets infected, what should be done?
Dr Guleria: If you have come in contact who is infected, it is important to start the process of self-quarantine because you could get the infection or end up transmitting it.
Is it safe to visit hospitals with Covid-19 patients?
Dr Guleria: It's safe to visit hospitals because patients infected with novel coronavirus are being kept in isolation wards. However, one must not visit the hospital at this time unless it is absolutely necessary. Routine healthcare visits should be postponed