English, asked by dawod2512, 9 months ago

I the following poem.
O tree, so big and stout and strong
You've lived so very, very, long.
A hundred years or more, I'm told
And yet you're not so very old.
A hundred secrets you could tell
Of children whom you love so well,
Who came and sat beneath your shade
Or underneath your branches played.
A hundred birds have built their nest,
Your leaves have softly kissed their breasts,
Your branches seem to touch the sky,
Yet you were once as small as I.
Some day when I have grown up, too,
I'm coming back to visit you,
And changed though other things will be,
I'll find the same dear friendly tree.

what is the poet wish? ​


Answered by akhila1027

poet wants to visit the tree when he is grown up ....

Answered by sparkle24

The poet wishes that the tree lives for a long time.


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