English, asked by ashokpadhiary2018, 5 months ago

(i) The subject you like most.
Introduction – the subject - why you like it – who teaches it and how
in this subject - how the subject will help you in future – conclusion​


Answered by kulkarniavija


My favourite subject in school in history and I found this subject profoundly interesting. I am studying many interesting topics in history such as the life of an early man, Indian Independence, kingdoms ruled in India in the past, European history, etc. History is the study of the happenings in the past. I am always curious to know the kind of lives people led in the past. Today, we can enjoy watching television, using smartphones and laptops, etc. We use many sophisticated tools that were not invented in the past. My parents often speak about our ancestors who led a simple life without using any tools and sophisticated equipment. But they used their creativity to make their lives interesting and joyful.

The subjects that we are studying in history this year

The first chapter that I am studying in history is about the life of early man. The early man experienced difficulties to fulfill the basic needs of life such as food, water and shelter. He wandered in forests hunting for animals and eating their flesh. He used wooden spears for killing animals. Early man learnt to cook food when he discovered fire by rubbing stones together. He covered his body with barks of leaves and skin of animals and lived in caves. In this subject, we also learnt about the great sailor Columbus who discovered America known as 'New World' who sailed in a ship for months despite bad weather. We also learnt about Ferdinand Magellan who proved that the earth was round in shape. This year we are also studying about the Great Revolt of Independence and our great leaders who fought for independence such as Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Lala Lajpat Rai, etc. During this first term, we studied about many interesting topics and so for the next term, I would study some other interesting topics as well.

When we study this subject, we can explore the lifestyle of people in the past. They struggled in life to fulfil basic needs of life such as food, clothing and shelter. But, they discovered many things using their own creative ideas. They discovered fire merely rubbing the stones together. They discovered a wheel when they saw a log rolling from the hill. Today, we are living a lavish life driving cars on the road. But, in those days when wheels were invented, they moved from one place to another. They discovered a spinning wheel to weave clothes. In this subject, we can study the wars fought in the past. We study the Great Emperors who ruled the kingdom. Some emperors were kind and worked towards the betterment of society. But some Kings were so cruel that they tormented people who revolted towards them. We are living a comfortable life today, but our ancestors struggled to make our life comfortable. Our textbooks contain colourful pictures of the lifestyle of early man, Great leaders of Independence, Columbus discovering America etc. So, these pictures are fascinating and I become urged to study these subjects.

Indeed, History is a very interesting subject. I also used to read this subject with interest when I studied in school.

History is a very well known subject as it explains about past happenings. Many people are very curious about knowing the past.

Although, history is not a subject for 1st Standard, some children have vivid imagination and thinking power. So, if the child is exceptional, he can write on any topic as suggested. The purpose of writing an essay in this channel is to provide ideas to the students about essay-writing and to improve their vocabulary or critical thinking skills.

Even we studied concepts of early man in 1st grade for state syllabus. Every school follows different textbooks of different publishers for CBSE. Today, the children are studying many advanced concepts in primary classes that we learnt in 6th or 7th grade. This year my kid studied about expansion system in multiplication in mathematics, organ system and their functioning in science etc in 3rd grade only. They may not study in detail, but they are taught briefly. Today, the kids are smarter because they use different sources such as internet for deriving information. So, they can bifurcate subjects such as history, geography etc

History is very interesting subject . On the contrary I never liked it when I was in school as it was tough to remember the names of the kings and the years they fought wars etc. I had always got the least marks in history. But when I grew up and completed education suddenly I started liking the history of the rulers and history of the countries. Now a days I read books of my kids. Those books which I never wanted to study now I like them as they make me curious about certain things.

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