I thought of a number. I multiplied it by 3. added 9 and got 57. Find the number. e. The difference between 48 and 7 times a number is 13. Find the number f. A milk man sets off from a dairy farm with 8 crates of milk containing bottles each. He delivers 92 bottles to a factory and finds that he still hos 100 bottles left. How many bottles were on each crate? g. A boy is y years old. His sister is thrice as old as he is. The sum of their ages is 24. How old is the boy? h. Find the length of the side of a square of side (2x - 3) cm whose perimeter is 68 cm. i. Parvez was asked to multiply a number by 6 but by mistake he divided i by 6. If the correct answer is 70 more than the wrong answer, find the number
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