English, asked by lakshay19, 1 year ago

i want a 150 word essay on my aim in life.


Answered by kaityson
I have already fixed the aim of my life. I want to become a doctor. There are several reasons for my choice.

Reasons: The profession of a doctor in noble. He renders a valuable service to the suffering humanity. He is the symbol of hope and joy. The face of a man suffering from acute pain brightens as soon as the doctor arrives. The doctor gives him a pill and his pain is cured. A good doctor is respected as an angel.

If I become a doctor, I can earn a lot of money. I am not a heartless man. When I become a doctor, I will treat the poor patients without charging fees. I will also distribute free medicines to the poor people. I will educate people for maintaining hygiene and cleanliness.

There is a great dearth of doctors in our country. A large number of people living in our villages die of various diseases owing to lack of medical facilities. I have made up my mind to serve the rural people.

I want to become a doctor, because I am by nature kind and humane. I am pained to see people suffering from various kinds of diseases. My desire to serve the ailing mankind prompts me to become a doctor.

My Scheme: Owing to these reasons I have decided to become a doctor. I have taken up Physics, Chemistry and Biology for the Secondary School Examination. My future plans are to get myself admitted to a good Medical College. After passing the M.D. Examination I shall go abroad for higher studies.

Conclusion: If everything goes according to my plan. I must become a good doctor. I wish my sweet dream would be fulfilled.

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Answered by kumarmonu89761


Every man must have an aim in life. An aim is a goal or objective to achieve in life. The required essay on my aim in life is shown below:


Every man needs to have a life goal. An aim is something you want to accomplish in life. One needs a goal in life if they are to achieve it. A ship without a compass is like a man without direction. I must choose a life goal, then. I'll be a citizen of my nation very soon. I will have obligations to society and my nation. I have to do them. Without education, I don't believe any country can flourish. So, spreading education is my life's goal. Every good deed requires funding. So, after I graduate, I'll work for my father's company. The best way to make a lot of money is through business. I'll use a sizable portion of my profit to provide the village's ailing and impoverished residents with medical care and education. For kids, I'll set up schools. In order to literate grownups, I'll start evening classes. I'll establish a library. Books covering a range of topics will be distributed without a subscription. To give young boys and girls jobs, I'll open training facilities. I have no idea how far my goal will be accomplished. But I'll give it my all.


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