i want a conclusion slide for the topic named reactive intermediate.
which should include free radicals, carbocation and carboanion.
plain how a chemical reaction takes place.
Most chemical reactions take more than one elementary step to complete, and a reactive intermediate is a high-energy, yet stable, product that exists only in one of the intermediate steps. The series of steps together make a reaction mechanism. A reactive intermediate differs from a reactant or product or a simple reaction intermediate only in that it cannot usually be isolated but is sometimes observable only through fast spectroscopic methods. It is stable in the sense that an elementary reaction forms the reactive intermediate and the elementary reaction in the next step is needed to destroy it.
When a reactive intermediate is not observable, its existence must be inferred through experimentation. This usually involves changing reaction conditions such as temperature or concentration and applying the techniques of chemical kinetics, chemical thermodynamics, or spectroscopy. We will often refer to certain reactive intermediates based on carbon, viz., carbocations, radicals, carbanions and carbenes.
Common features
Reactive intermediates have several features in common:
low concentration with respect to reaction substrate and final reaction product
often generated on chemical decomposition of a chemical compound
it is often possible to prove the existence of this species by spectroscopic means
cage effects have to be taken into account
often stabilization by conjugation or resonance
often difficult to distinguish from a transition state
prove existence by means of chemical trapping
Make me as brainliest
carbocatin free radicals and carbnese