English, asked by Tanyshamaghagy, 1 year ago

I want a conversation between loona bimberton and a lady friends discussing Mrs.packletide of about 6-7 min. (english - chapter2)


Answered by manjushasudhind
Loona Bimberton's drawing room. Mrs. Garry had come to have tea with her.

Loona:         Hello Mrs. Garry, Good evening. It's very good of you to have
                     accepted my invitation
Mrs. Garry: Oh, I am the one who should be grateful for the invitation.   
                   Thank you very much.
Loona:        Now then, What's new?
Mrs. Garry: Oh, Haven't you heard?
Loona:        What about?
Mrs. Garry: About Mrs. Packletide?
Loona:        Oh, She? What bout her?
Mrs. Garry: So you haven't heard after all.
Loona:        Stop beating about the bush. Come to the point. What about
                   Mrs. Packletide?
Mrs. Garry: It was Mrs. Whitehead that told me.Of course I did not believe
                   her at first. Then I met Miss. Gold in the market. She told me
                   the same thing. It seems it's the talk of the town now.
Loona:        [Impatiently] Mrs. Garry, you are trying my patience. What
                   happened to Mrs. Packletide?
Mrs: Garry: Oh, nothing happened to her. She had gone tiger hunting and
                   what do you know! She killed a tiger herself.
Loona:        What! I don't believe it.
Mrs Garry:  It's true. She has the tiger skin on her drawing room wall. My
                   Albert saw it yesterday, when he went to convey a message
                   from Lord Livingston to her.
Loona:        Are you sure?
Mrs. Garry: Yes. She is throwing  a dinner party soon to celebrate it. I'm
                   sure you will receive the invitation soon.
Loona:        I don't think I'll be able to go.
Mrs. Garry: Why not?
Loona:        [Carelessly] Oh, I have no time for such useless parties.
Mrs. Garry: [Puts down her cup] OK, I'll make a move. I have promised
                   Lorna that I'll accompany her to the saloon.
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