English, asked by ananyanayak8565, 1 year ago

I want a letter about how people suffer if it is too much water


Answered by cuteprincess1801


LittleWater' by answering the following questions. [Chapter-33] (a)What is water? (b)What happens if there is heavy rain?(c)What happens in the rainy season?(d)What happens if there is no rain?TOO MUCH OR TOO LITTLE WATER

Class-6 : English First Paper 163Water is the most useful element (Dcv`vb)for human and all other livingbeings. Without water no living beings can survive (†eu‡P _vKv)on earth. Butsometimes, this water creates sufferings (†fvMvwšÍ)for us. Sometimes itrains so heavily that floods occur. When the water of the river increases(ev‡o)in the rainy season, it submerges (Wywe‡q †`q)vast areas of theland, towns and villages. So, it brings lots of miseries (`y`©kv)if there is toomuch water. If there is no rainfall for a long period of time, drought (Liv)occurs. Sometimes rivers dry up, or the water level underground may sinkvery low. So, if there is too little water that also causes a lot of suffering to thepeople. We need safe and clean water for our life on earth.B. NON-TEXTUAL17. Write a paragraph on 'Your Mother' by answering the followingquestions :(a)Who is your mother? (c) What is she?(b)How is she when you are ill? (d) What does she do in the time of leisure?MY MOTHERThere is no word sweeter than the name of mother. In this world, all humanbeings can be passionate by the utterance of the word mother. The name ofmy mother is Mrs. Mamataz Rahman. She is about forty years old. I love mymother most because she is dearest to me. My mother is an ideal and modesthousewife. She is polite, affectionate and intelligent. Although she alwaysremains busy with our house hold chores, she is very much conscious aboutall the members of our family. My mother is a kind-hearted woman, she isvery much conscious about my study and my health. She is a religiousminded woman and a follower of strict principles. She helps the poor andhelpless people in our village. Above all, she bears a moral character alongwith multifarious qualities. There is none so dear to me as my mother. She isa lady to whom I always pay due respect. I am greatly boastful of my mother.18. Write a paragraph on 'Your Native Village' by answering thefollowing questions :(a)What is the name of your native village? (b)How many people are there in your native village?

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