Hindi, asked by nee1mjaakshSHA, 1 year ago

I want a paragraph on pollution


Answered by aditya76
Pollution is nothing but "too much of something at wrong place" and environmental pollution is generally defined as the unfavorable alternations of our surroundings through the various actions of man himself. The undesirable and excessive substances that are released As., the by-products of man's actions, can affect air, water and land and adversely and alter the natural quality of our environment. Substances that are responsible for the alternations of environment are called pollutants and the total chain of actions as "environmental pollution". Hence it is nobody else than man himself is the real cause of environmental pollution. Environmental pollution can be well understood if we study its sources and effects. There are pollutions of air, water, soil, noise and radioactive wastes. The study of each type will give the real picture.
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