I want a poem for mathematics.
My mind is turning into scrambled eggs!
What is x and y to the power of three?
Whole numbers, mixed numbers and absolute,
exponents, integers and factoring trees.
Terms, expressions and what is the root?
It all sounds like Greek to me.
I must write a poem for another class.
I’m running out of time much too fast.
So I’ll talk about digits and my reaction,
while I attempt to work these equations.
My mind is turning into scrambled eggs!
What is x and y to the power of three?
Whole numbers, mixed numbers and absolute,
exponents, integers and factoring trees.
Terms, expressions and what is the root?
It all sounds like Greek to me.
I must write a poem for another class.
I’m running out of time much too fast.
So I’ll talk about digits and my reaction,
while I attempt to work these equations.
Mixed operations in an expression
must be done in the following manner.
Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally,
to help me remember the proper order.
Parentheses, exponents, multiplication,
addition or subtraction,
that is the order of proper action
for solving math, numbers and fractions.
With fractions when I multiply
it is best to quickly simplify,
the denominators remain the same
these do not need to change.
If fractions I add or subtract
I must remember it works like this,
each denominator must be the same
then add the top like a list.
Multiply two positives they remain just that.
Two negatives will spoil the batch.
Mixed signs will keep the minus too,
keep this in mind or stay confused.
I wish that I could remember more
But that is as far as I have gotten.
Off to bed I must go,
or tomorrow I will feel rotten