Science, asked by hemasaibassa, 1 year ago

I want a proper flow chart of class 10th cbse biology chapter 6 life processes (only the respiration part).

The flowchart must short,informative, understandable for quick revision!!​


Answered by arrhu

Life Processes Class 10 Notes Biology

NCERT CBSE Chapter 6 Download in Pdf

? �Life processes � The processes that are necessary for an organism to stay alive. Eg. Nutrition,respiration, etc.

?�Criteria of life- (i) Growth� (ii) Movement

? �Nutrition- The process in which an organism takes in food, utilizes it to get energy, for growth, repair and maintenance, etc. and excretes the waste materials from the body

�Types of nutrition

1.�� Autotrophic nutrition (Auto =self:� trophos = nourishment) E.g. Plants, Algae, blue green bacteria.

o Process � Photosynthesis (Photo=light; Synthesis= to combine)

o Raw materials- (i) Carbon dioxide (ii)Water

o Equation-����������������

� Autotrophic nutrition

o Energy conversion- Light/Solar energy to Chemical energy

o Role off Chlorophyll- To trap the sun�s energy for photosynthesis

o Factors for Autotrophic nutrition -

(i) Carbon dioxide

(ii) Water

(iii) �Light

(iv) Temperature

o Events/ Steps of photosynthesis-

(i)� �Absorption of light energy by chlorophyll

(ii) �Conversion of light energy to chemical energy & Splitting of water molecule into Hydrogen & oxygen

(iii) Reduction of Carbon dioxide to Carbohydrate

o Gaseous exchange-

(i) Gas used- Carbon dioxide

(ii)� By product - Oxygen

o Source of raw materials-

(i)���� Carbon dioxide �Land plants- Air, Aquatic plants- Water

(ii) �Water & Minerals - Soil

2.�� Heterotrophic nutrition (Hetero =others:� trophos =ourishment) Eg. Animals, plants lacking chlorophyll like fungi.

(a) Saprophytic nutrition: Organisms feeds on dead decaying plants or animals material. E.g. Fungi, Bacteri

(b) Parasitic nutrition: Organisms obtain food from the body of another living (host)

o Endoparasite : Parasite lives inside the body of the host e.g. tapeworm, roundworm.

o Exoparasite :� Parasite lives on the body of the host. E.g. lice, leech.

Note- The parasite benefits while the host is usually harmed e.g. Cuscutta-plant parasite (amar bel), plasmodium (malarial parasite).

(c) Holozoic nutrition: Organism (mostly animals) take in whole food and then digest it into smaller particles with enzyme. Eg.Amoeba, Paramoecium. Animals, human beings.

o Steps in Holozoic nutrition

(i) Ingestion: taking in of food.

(ii) Digestion: breaking down of complex food into simpler, absorbable form.

(iii Assimilation: Utilization of digested food from the body.

(iv)Egestion: Removing undigested food from the body

o Nutrition in human beings

?��� Alimentary canal-

Mouth Oesophagus Stomach Small intestine Large intestine

?��� Important gland/juices

(Refer to figure 6.6 page no.97 of N.C.E.R.T �Text book)








Salivary Amylase

Converts starch into sugar


Gastric glands

Gastric juice-

(i) Hydrochloric


(a) Kills harmful bacteria that enters with the food.

(b) Makes the medium alkaline for the action of Pepsin

(ii)� Pepsin��������

Digests proteins

(iii) Mucus

Protects the inner lining of the stomach from the corrosive action of Hydrochloric acid.



1) Liver

(i) Bile juice������

(a) Makes the medium acidic

for the action of Pancreatic enzymes.

(b) Breaks down large fat molecules into smaller globules so that enzymes can act upon them.

2) �Pancreas

( ii)� Pancreatic



Converts Carbohydrates to glucose

?�� Trypsin��

Converts Proteins to Amino acids

?��� Lipase����

Converts Fats into Fatty acids & Glycerol

��Aerobic espiration

Anaerobic respiration

1.� Takes place in presence of Oxygen.

2.� End products- Carbon dioxide & Water

3. More energy is released.

4.� Takes place in Cytoplasm & Mitochondria

5. Complete oxidation of glucose takes place.

6. It occurs in most organisms.

7.� Equation-

Glucose? Pyruvate? CO2� �+ H2O + Energy

1.� Takes place in absence of Oxygen.

2. End products- Ethanol & Carbon dioxide

3. Less energy is released.

4.� Takes place in only in Cytoplasm.

5. Incomplete oxidation of glucose takes place.

6. �It occurs in certain bacteria, yeast & certain tissues of higher organisms. E.g. In humans during vigorous exercise, when the demand for Oxygen is more than the supply, muscle cells respire anaerobically for some time.

7.� Equation- In Yeast-

Glucose? Pyruvate? Ethanol + H2O + Energy

In muscle cells - Glucose? Pyruvate? Lactic acid + Energy

o Some common features of Respiratory organs-

(i) Large surface area- for greater rate of diffusion of respiratory gases.

(ii)� Thin permeable walls � to ensure easy diffusion & exchange of gases.

(iii)� Extensive blood supply- Respiratory organs are richly supplied with blood vessels for quick transport of gases.

o Gaseous exchange in plants-

?��� Process � Diffusion

?��� Direction of diffusion depends on-

(i) Environmental conditions

(ii)� Requirement of the plant.

?��� Day time- Carbon dioxide given out during respiration is used for photosynthesis.Therefore only Oxygen is released, which is a major activity during the day.

?��� Night time � Only respiration takes place. Therefore only Carbon dioxide is released, which is a major activity during the night.

o� Gaseous exchange in animals-

Answered by Anonymous



Respiration :-

  • Respiration in human being. :- The respiration in human involves :-

1.Gaseous Exchange (breathing).

2.Cellular Respiration.

  • Breakdown of glucose by various pathways. :-

@ As in the fig......


  • Types of Respiration

Their are two types of respiration :-

  1. Aerobic
  2. Anaerobic


  • Human Respiration System

It consist of respiratory organs :-

  • Nostril
  • Nasal passage
  • Nasal Cavity
  • Pharynx
  • Larynx
  • Trachea
  • Bronchi
  • Bronchiolies
  • Alveoli
  • Blood Capillaries


  • Mechanism of breathing.
  1. It involves Inhalation & Exhalations .
  2. Exchange of gasses between Aelveoli , blood & tissues.


  • Respiration in plants

It is simple than human. Gaseous Exchange occur through :-

1.Stomata in leaf

2.Lenticles in stem

3.General Surface of the root.


Hope It help you

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arrhu: ok bro
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