Hindi, asked by shashanknagar9422, 11 months ago

I want a samvad between a girl and teacher regarding scoring less mark in exam


Answered by daiviklakshmipathy02


❤Hey here is your answer . Hope it helps you.❤


अध्यापिका -श्रेया,तुम्हे हिन्दी मे कितने अंक मिले है?

श्रेया -मुझे 80 मे से 68 अंक मिले है अध्यापिका ।

अध्यापिका-यह तो तोड़ी कम हो गया ।

श्रेया-नही, कल मा ने कहा कि इतनी कम अंक क्यो?

अध्यापिका-यह कैसा हो सकता है श्रेया?

श्रेया-हा ,मा ने मुझे यह कहा है कि अगले परिक्षा मे कम अंक लाई तो एक दिन बाहर रेहना होगा।

अध्यापिका-ठीक है मैं बाद में तुम्हारी माँ से बात करूँगी।

श्रेया-ठीक है अध्यापिका जी।

अध्यापिका-अब यही पर विषय समाप्त करते है।

श्रेया-ठीक है ।जैसी आप की आज्ञा

Answered by Anonymous



Getting a bad grade from time to time is a common part of high school, but it can (understandably) be especially stressful for seniors with what we have at stake. Dealing with bad grades can definitely be a whole grieving process that is necessary but oddly insightful in the long run.

The most important aspect is getting past the disappointment of a bad grade and planning your next move. Believe me when I say that I have had my fair share of bad marks over the years; so I speak from experience when I say that moving forward is necessary to do better in future.

Whether it’s finding the right strategy, improving your time management and productivity levels, or just planning ahead, the following tips may come in handy for you when dealing with bad grades.

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