English, asked by saifuljaved, 1 year ago

I want a Speech on carrier? Can u all help me out ?


Answered by varunchinna16

first just brief it out and frame a  speech

Believe it or not, if you’re in high school right now, you’re at a great point in your life. You have your whole life in front of you. And now is a good time to start thinking about your future, to make some initial plans; just remember that plans can be easily changed. Remember too, that experts predict that the average person will change careers — not just jobs — more than five times in his or her lifetime. Now is the time to pursue your dreams!

And as you start thinking about one or more potential educational and career paths, here are 10 things to remember in the days ahead.

1. Take time to think about what you like to do; dream and imagine ideal careers.There are so many opportunities, so many different types of jobs and careers in a wide variety of industries — and there are also other career paths that are just emerging. Even if you are fairly sure of a career choice, take the time in high school to explore similar (or even vastly different) careers. Explore all your options. Examine your likes and dislikes and take a few career-assessment tests. Answer the question, if you could have any job right now, what would it be — and why? Don’t let any barriers hold you back from finding the perfect career.

Example: Take the time for some career assessment and career exploration to expand your vision of potential majors and career paths.

2. Challenge yourself in high school, but don’t overwhelm yourself. Do get the most out of high school as possible. When you can, take the tough and challenging schedule of classes; you’ll learn more — and it will look good to the college admissions staff. Obviously, you need to stay focused on getting good grades, but don’t overload your schedule — or yourself — so that it makes you sick or burnt out. Be sure to include at least one fun course in your schedule.

Example: If you have a passion for something, such as photography, find a way to schedule a photography course along with your other tougher college-prep courses.

3. Work, volunteer, or otherwise gain some experience. As with your education, the more you are exposed to, the more options will open to you as you search out careers. There are even a growing number of internship opportunities for high-school students. Seek work and volunteer experiences in and out of school. And from a practical standpoint, work experience looks good on college applications — and on future job applications and resumes. And one other benefit if you are working in a paid position: spending money! Just remember that school and grades have to come first, so only work if you can balance your schedule, manage your time.

Example: If you’re interested in a career in journalism, start writing for your school newspaper and look into a part-time job at a local newspaper.

4. Get as much education as you can. We are now a society in which many jobs and careers require additional education or training beyond high school. Some careers even require a graduate degree before you can work in the field. Take advantage of all educational opportunities that come your way, such as summer educational opportunities and educational trips abroad. If financially possible — and there are many ways to help make it so — attend college; college graduates make a much higher salary, on average, than high-school graduates.

Example: If you have a passion for science or math, instead of spending a summer goofing around the community pool, consider a summer math enrichment program or a space-agency program.

5. Talk with as many adults as possible about careers and colleges. The best way to find out about different careers is to ask people — family, neighbors, friends, teachers, counselors — to tell you about their career and college experiences. If you have not already, begin to build a network of adults who know you and are willing to assist you in your educational and career endeavors. And for careers that truly interest you, consider asking each person if you can shadow him/her at work. You could also consider conducting informational interviews at the same time as the shadowing, or as a less intrusive method of learning more about jobs and careers.

Example: If you have a passion for history and are considering a career as a college history professor, contact a local college and ask one or more of the history professors if you canshadow them or conduct an informational interview.

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