I want a sppech on "First Nation" 3 minutes
"We gather here in this moment to reflect on the first year of this journey to build a new relationship, one based on recognition and respect."
December 6, 2016
Today, Justin Trudeau addressed the Chiefs of the Assembly of First Nations. Read his full remarks:
[Check against delivery]
Good afternoon. Thank you for your kind welcome.
Before I begin, I’d like to recognize the Algonquin Nation, on whose traditional territory we are gathering. We acknowledge them as the past, present and future caretakers of this land.
Elders, youth, veterans, National Chief Bellegarde, members of the AFN executive and Chiefs-in-Assembly: thank you for giving me the chance to be here with you today.
It was back in January of 2013 that I watched – with deep respect and admiration – a group of young Cree leave their remote and northern Quebec community of Whapmagoostui and begin a 1600-kilometre trek through frigid weather.
Like so many Canadians, I watched them make their way by snowshoe, and then by foot, during that two-month journey to Ottawa.
Along the way, their numbers had grown from seven to over 400 on that morning in March when they walked into this town to the sound of traditional drums. We all know the Journey of the Nishiyuu: the Journey of the People.
I was one of many to meet them upon their arrival. The “Original Seven”: David, Stanley, Travis, Johnny, Raymond, Geordie, and Isaac. The tenacity, the determination and boldness of spirit that fueled these youth inspired a nation, and brought the concerns of their community to the forefront...
hey mate..
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