Science, asked by srivastavakhushi020, 10 months ago

I want a stable government job and I am from biology stream I don't want to be a doctor what should I do..???? what are most appropriate options for me.!!!!!​


Answered by harsh8682


If you did not want to become a doctor you have to go in resharcher of biology .

Answered by chiragruhil

Go for what you want be


I liked your question but buddy right now we are having a stable government at the centre level and in most of the states as well . Buddy if you have taken biology under pressure then you must try to change your stream but if it's not possible to change stream then try to take interest in biology . according to your question , you need to help country . you can try to help the country by studying ..... If you study in your particular stream and you are going to be best in it then it is going to benefit our country in a large no. of indurect ways . .. you can not help anyone without helping yourself . if you want to stable our government then you need to stable yourself first . try to get yourself placed and settled then you can try your best to help as a social worker and maybe you become a politician one day . Politics is good and bad too depending upon for which purpose we are doing it . .. Everyone thinks of becoming a doctor or enginner but you are going to become a politician and India needs good leaders and this is need of India . I appreciate you ..... but first try to stable yourself by getting settled .... Thank you

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